Take MMS twice daily (or more times). Always after a meal to prevent nausea. Avoid Vitamin C supplements – they neutralize the benefits.
Put 1 to 2 drops of MMS in an empty clean glass. Add: 5 drops of citric acid solution, lemon or lime juice for EACH drop of MMS that you use. Wait 3 minutes after mixing the solution to allow the mixture to activate.
Then: Add about 1/2 glass of water. It is best not to drink immediately, although this drink is good for an hour. (Time reduces potency.)
(Citric acid in place of lemon or lime juice seems to be getting better results. Buy citric acid powder. Take a tablespoon level with citric acid in an empty glass. Then add 9 level tablespoons of water. This is a 10% solution of citric acid. Use 5 to 1. That is 5 parts citric acid solution to one part MMS) When activated, it becomes chlorine dioxide.
Each Day After
Increase MMS by 1 or 2 drops each day until you have reached fifteen drops, or follow your health consultant;s advice. Continue with fifteen drops twice a day, after a meal, until you feel your immune system can overcome any health problems. Some take it 4 times a day. Read Jim Humble’s book. Visit we sites for testimonials.
Nausea: Vitamin C is an antidote in cases where nausea occurs. On your nest dose of MMS drop back one or two drops and stay at that level for two or three days before continuing to increase your dosage. Nausea has not proven to be dangerous but it can make people hesitant to continue their MMS program.
For Children: begin with 1 drop of MMS and work up to 2 drops for each twenty-five pounds (11.4 kg) of body weight. Always add 5 drops of citric acid, lemon or lime juice for each drop of MMS and wait 3 minutes, then add water and drink.
Note: Apple, pineapple, or grape juice that has no vitamin C added as a preservative can be substituted for water. No ascorbic acid added to juice.
- Carefully follow the directions on the bottle
- Do not ingest full strength
- Keep out of the reach of children
- Use water to wash MMS from your skin or eyes
- Keep out of direct sunlight
- Use 1 to 5 grams of vitamin C to treat nausea or overdose, less for children
Mandatory Disclaimer
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to lead anyone away from a qualified health practitioner. We make absolutely no claims of any cure for any disease. Water Purifiers – Chlorine Dioxide – have been used for over 70 years. Using MMS is for personal experimental investigation. We cannot take any responsibility for those who may want to treat themselves beyond the benefit recommended as a mineral supplement. If you have a medical condition, we urge you to be supervised by a qualified healthcare professional of your choice.