Sodium Chlorite – Chlorine dioxide + DMSO In Treating Disease

MMS was Invented and packaged for internal use by Inventor Jim Humble. MMS rids the body of virtually any and all viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and poisons. One important thing Jim Humble discovered is that chlorine dioxide can be made at home by mixing stabilized oxygen (also known as sodium chlorite) with an “activator.” It …

Emergency Planning Low Cost First Aid Kits

Most of us don’t like to think about what we would do in the event of an emergency. We watch movies and TV shows with incidents of international and even local threats and conflicts, and we don’t think that these threats could ever affect our lives. Many laugh at the reaction of many in the …

Choosing MMS for Feeling Better

The choices I make regarding my home and health are typically a combination of my own research and experience, my better judgment, common sense, and the opinions of those I trust. One of those people, world-renowned intuitive healer and Ayurveda Practitioner Andreas Moritz (author of “the amazing liver and gallbladder flush”) is recommending MMS to …

MMS Jim Humble’s Newsletter – We Need Help Saving the World

I know, that’s a really corny subject for a newsletter. Missionaries and other fanatics have been pushing that subject for way longer than the last 10,000 years. Most people tire of the whole thing, but on the other hand: We have two openings right now for people who would like to create a local clinic. For a …

MMS INSTRUCTIONS (Now Called Water Purification Drops)

Take MMS twice daily (or more times). Always after a meal to prevent nausea. Avoid Vitamin C supplements – they neutralize the benefits. DAY 1 Put 1 to 2 drops of MMS in an empty clean glass. Add: 5 drops of citric acid solution, lemon or lime juice for EACH drop of MMS that you …