There is a lot of information being spread about chlorine dioxide in its many forms, everything from the part 1 + part 2 DIY mix for the avid do-it-yourselfer who wants their own chlorine dioxide treatment for home laboratories or CDS 3000 which is already mixed and ready to dilute and use.
More and more people are looking for ways to find chlorine dioxide for sale and you will probably be able to find it available as water purification drops (WPD). These products come in a two-part kit and are used for treating questionable water from sources that may not be healthfully drinkable. The water purifier kills harmful bacteria and pathogens that may be present in the water making it safe to drink.
Interestingly, people who are drinking MMS purified water or chlorine dioxide water are recognizing the benefits of doing so. It’s as if the same chemistry that is at work at purifying the water in your glass or water bottle continues to go to work or purifying the water in your body.
Activated sodium chlorite becomes chlorine dioxide. Sodium chlorite is activated by combining it with acid, such as lactic acid, acetic acid, tartaric acid, or diluted citric, hydrochloric, sulfuric, or phosphoric acids.
This can be easily conducted at home by using a part 1 and part 2 mix of equivalent drops. It is as easy as starting with a clean and dry shot glass and adding one drop of part 1 (sodium chlorite) and one drop of diluted acid and swirling the two drops together. According to Jim Humble, this would be the equivalent to one drop of MMS (activated chlorine dioxide). Wait for 30-40 seconds, add some water to the shot glass, swirl again and pour into a 4 oz or 8 oz glass of water, and you have purified chlorine dioxide water.
The definitive Jim Humble book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, was written before the proliferation of CDS, so it was based on the mixing method and the number of drops indicated in his protocols are based on these mixed drops.
Since then, chlorine dioxide CDS has been introduced, which also comes by many names, like CDS 3000, or chlorine dioxide solution, but the result is a more consistent stabilized chlorine dioxide solution that tests at 3,000 parts per million (3000 PPM). This is already activated and does not require pre-mixing, like the Part 1 + Part 2 method.
According to Paris Humble in her new book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, you would need eight-times the amount of CDS 3000 to equal one drop of MMS. So, to correctly apply the CDS 3000 formulation to the protocols in Jim’s MMS Health Recovery Guidebook, you would need to multiply the drops of CDS 3000 by eight. Therefore, one drop of MMS would be equal to 8 drops of CDS 3000.
8 drops of CDS 3000 = 1 drop MMS
Concerning mms and chlorine dioxide safety, these substances are very safe when diluted in the quantities recommended by Jim Humble, Paris, and the others who recommend MMS for humans among many other chlorine dioxide uses. The suggested starting solution is 1 drop of MMS in a 4 to 8 oz. glass of water. 4 ounces of water is 2,365 drops of water with one drop of chlorine dioxide. Opponents of MMS warn that chlorine dioxide will kill you, and certainly drinking undiluted pure chlorine dioxide would not be recommended and one might suffer from doing so. Even so, no one has ever died from using MMS.
MMS or chlorine dioxide are very safe when used in diluted states and note that the FDA has authorized the use of chlorine dioxide for industrial use for food product cleansing, handling, equipment disinfecting, and water treatment. It is not authorized for human consumption.
Searching the internet for chlorine dioxide solution buy to purchase chlorine dioxide drops may be effective when purchased from trusted sources. Also noteworthy is that you may discover and potentially be confused by the many types of mms that are available. New mms sources are not likely to offer MMS for sale due to its being banned by the FDA in the USA.
The most common way to find it is as a two-part water purification mixture, like Part A and Part B. To mix and activate the sodium chlorite, you combine one drop of part A in a shot glass with one drop of part B in a shot glass and swirl it around, then wait for 30 to 40 seconds, then add water to the shot glass and pour into 4 to 8 ounces of water and drink it.
Alternatively, you can get chlorine dioxide solution premixed as CDS 3000. If you have a quantity of CDS 3000, which is 3,000 parts per million concentrations of your chlorine dioxide supplement, you must refrigerate after opening the bottle. An opened bottle will have a shortened shelf life due to its being pre-activated but should last up to 30 days sealed and refrigerated between uses.
A Better Tasing MMS
Many people prefer chloride dioxide solution or CDS 3000 because it tastes much better than the DIY mixing process. The reason it tastes better is because the process by which it is made uses distillation. The time-consuming distillation process (which can take up to 48 hours) creates the solution from the expelled gasses that are expelled by activated sodium chloride. This advanced process creates the 3,000 PPM concentration which is reported to be the highest concentration that of the gas which can be suspended in water.
For this reason, you will find that CDS 3000 is quite a bit more costly than making it yourself from a two-part mixture that can be done instantly on site.
~ Paris Humble

Could you please help me with the dilution of it for drinking water? For myself and my dog?
How to safely, but effectively dilute it. And how long does it keep in diluted state? Should I refrigerate water?
It is printed on the back of the bottle “store in the refrigerator. ”
Vendors who sell these products are not doctors and cannot give any advice, or we will be put in jail. Jim Humble’s 3 top people are being held in jail for four years without any charges filed. Big Pharmacy has quite a network to protect its poisons and they charges big dollars for their drugs. They own judges, prosecutors, FDA, Congress members, newspapers, etc.
You probably have a “go to person” who turned you on to purchasing these products, you can ask them.
Also: Read the books on chlorine dioxide MMS. Watch all the videos, and Join a MMS discussion forum. OR Search for an alternative medical person who knows about chlorine dioxide to coach you. OR Just do it yourself. No one’s ever died from taking these drops, and millions and millions of people have been taking it for 80 years!
I feel very angry for the way Jim Humble has been, and is being, treated. God bless him for his massive contribution to humanity. What a beautiful soul he is.
Are the Aqua Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Tablets good to use to get the same beneficial effects as the 2 part liquid method? Thanks.