The following is intended for research purposes only.
Chlorine Dioxide Function
The most important discussion to consider about chlorine dioxide function to have with yourself it to understand that there are two schools of thought concerning chlorine dioxide function. There are the authorized function and the unauthorized, where the two are never to intermingle, or should they? Only you can answer that for yourself.
Authorized Chlorine Dioxide Function
The undeniable official word is that chlorine dioxide is a biocide that destroys bacteria, viruses, and various parasites. It is used to disinfect water for drinking. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) recommends it in no greater than 0.8 parts per million (ppm) for municipal distribution of water.
Chlorine dioxide is generally used industrially across a wide spectrum of industries including oil, gas, and all types of food processing and handling. The antimicrobial function of chlorine dioxide lends CDS itself to being used in poultry processing and to clean fresh fruits and vegetables. You will find chlorine dioxide used throughout the processing of water, sweets, fruits, meat, grains, dairy, and vegetables.
Hospitals and other healthcare establishments, use chlorine dioxide gas to sterilize medical tools and equipment in patient care and in laboratories.
You will also find chlorine dioxide is used in the pulp and paper manufacturing process.
Unauthorized Chlorine Dioxide Function
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) strictly forbids the ingestion of chlorine dioxide for any reason as it has determined that chlorine dioxide is not fit for human conception under any circumstances. That said, you should never drink chlorine dioxide, nor ever tell anyone to do so, or you may suffer federal consequences as may be deemed appropriate by the FDA.
Unauthorized uses of chlorine dioxide include, but are not limited to, treating or attempting to cure any medical ailments, including autism, HIV, malaria, hepatitis viruses, influenza, common colds, or cancer. The FDA warns that any chlorine dioxide-based solution, such as MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution (Jim Humble’s nickname for chlorine dioxide) could be dangerous, and potentially deadly, and should never be consumed by humans.
MMS Recovery
Regardless of warnings issued by the FDA, many people have ignored the federal threats and decided to investigate the MMS Recovery processes first promoted by minister Jim Humble and based on his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium. In the book, he cites various protocols (using only a few drops of chlorine dioxide at a time) which have been found to have had miraculous results, greatly affecting the lives of people who have struggled with ongoing chronic pain and disease.
There are 2,240 drops of water in 4 ounces of water and the protocols mention using 1 to 3 drops of chlorine dioxide in 4 ounces of water. All protocols in Humble’s book call for only a few drops heavily diluted by water. Just like the military in the field, campers in the wilderness, or hikers on trails have been doing for years to purify water. No one is recommending anyone to drink straight chlorine dioxide. To do so would invite a trip to the emergency room just as if you swallowed a whole new bottle of prescription pills at once.
At three drops per serving, there are 747 servings in a 4 oz. bottle. Who would take 747 servings of anything at once? FDA warnings are valid. Do not drink chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine Dioxide Drops for Sale
Chlorine dioxide drops for sale can be hard to locate. Basically, you are looking for the chlorine dioxide two-part water purification drops available under various brand names. It is good to find a supplier you can trust. There will be either a Part A and Part B configuration or Part 1 and Part 2.
One bottle will contain 28% Sodium Chlorite, and the other will have an acid activator, like 50% citric acid, or something like that.
Chlorine Dioxide Solution CDS
Chlorine Dioxide Solution or CDS is an alternative method of making chlorine dioxide without having to mix a two-part solution such as the method of missing water purification drops which are used for purifying questionable water in the field, also when camping or hiking.
The highest verifiable concentration of chlorine dioxide solution is 3,000 parts per million or 3000 PPM. So, you may find this product labeled as CDS 3000, or find the reference of 3000 PPM.
The process whereby CDS 3000 PPM is manufactured is via distillation, where the gas from chlorine dioxide is allowed to naturally permeate H2O over time. 3,000 parts per million is the highest concentration that can be suspended in water.
It is rumored that the chloride dioxide that is created by the two-part method has a very unpleasant taste to it, while CDS 3000 is much more palatable.
New Book by Paris Humble
Paris Humble the daughter of MMS Pioneer, Jim Humble, continues his work and has just released her new book, the Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses. Non-pharmacological Health Restoration and you might think there would be some crossover-appeal giving way to healthy uses of chlorine dioxide besides just sanitary use, and you’d be right.
In fact, about half of this book is all about how to do just that. Of course, much of this book is based on her father’s work, but there is no doubt that she picked up where he left off, with full respect for the work he’d done previously.
She doesn’t use his nickname for chlorine dioxide (MMS) but includes it in her book as well as protocols, regimens, and regimes. This is the new book that fans of MMS have been waiting for.
But wait a minute…
Aren’t MMS Promoters in Jail?
Well, there is that. Apparently, Mark Grenon, 62, and his sons, Jonathan Grenon, 34, Jordan Grenon, 26, and Joseph Grenon, 32, all of Bradenton, Florida were arrested and are being held in jail for claiming that MMS (chlorine dioxide) was a cure for the coronavirus.

According to reports, charging documents accused the Grenons of claiming that the “dangerous substance” could cure not only the coronavirus but dozens of other serious diseases and disorders, including cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, multiple sclerosis, and HIV/AIDS.
Author Paris Humble says, “I doubt they made those claims,” because it is now well-known and documented that chlorine dioxide, or “MMS” as the Grenons refer to it,
does not heal or cure anything
What it does do, is what it has always done, kills pathogens, bacteria, viruses, etc., and that is all. If these things are keeping the body from healing itself, chlorine dioxide may be able to get rid of them, clearing the way and empowering the body’s immune system to do what it’s designed to do, heal the body.
Some claim that chlorine dioxide is also an excellent method to detox the body of heavy metals.
Paris remembers when she was younger and traveling with her father, Jim Humble, they did think that MMS was healing people, which was based on the testimonials and claims of people who said that they were healed or cured by taking a few drops of chlorine dioxide in water. The people called it a miracle solution.
Of course, when you’re surrounded by all that positive energy, you just go with it. Now, we have more scientific data and a better understanding of what is actually going on.

What have the Grenons been charged with?
According to the criminal complaint affidavit, they
- Manufacturing, promoting, and selling Miracle Mineral Solution (“MMS”)
- They directed their customers to ingest MMS orally
- Claimed that MMS can treat, prevent, and cure COVID-19 and other diseases
- Created a “non-religious church,” in an attempt to avoid government regulation of MMS
- The Grenons failed to comply with court orders halting their distribution of MMS
The Grenons are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.
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