Chlorine dioxide is the chemical result of combining equal measures of sodium chlorite and an acid activator, such as citric acid. Activation produces a gaseous reaction that mixes with water. Chlorine dioxide is one of the best-known pathogen killers, if not the best. Chlorine dioxide is 2.6 times more powerful in terms of oxidation than common bleach (with none of the side effects of bleach), and is more effective across a wide Ph spectrum, enabling it to kill many times more pathogens.
Chlorine dioxide is a sanitizer used to reduce E. coli, Salmonella, yeast, and mold from fruit surfaces, meat, food, and drink processing plants, and is used as a broad-spectrum antiviral sanitizer in hospitals.
Chlorine dioxide wipes out the deepest and most longstanding biofilm, exterminating bacteria, viruses, and parasites such as Giardia and even the Cryptosporidium parasite which is nearly impossible to kill, thus its use in municipal water treatment facilities. Chlorine dioxide is renowned for eliminating Staphylococcus aureus; Pseudomonas and Candida albicans spores within minutes.
EPA Chlorine Dioxide
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chlorine dioxide is used to “destroy or eliminate all forms of microbial life including fungi, viruses, and all forms of bacteria and their spores.”
OSHA Chlorine Dioxide
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) chlorine dioxide is a powerful biocide and disinfectant that is identifiable as a yellow to red gas or a red-brown liquid (below 52°F) with an unpleasant odor similar to chlorine and nitric acid.
Chlorine dioxide also known as chlorine oxide or chlorine peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent, soluble, and decomposes in water.
Chlorine Dioxide is the Basis of MMS
A miner in the remote jungles of Venezuela quite accidentally brought back several of his crew who were dying of malaria back to life by giving them unclean surface water purified by chlorine dioxide water purification drops. So moved by this experience, the man, Jim Humble, dedicated his life to studying chlorine dioxide.
Experimenting on volunteers and church members who had been diagnosed with treatment-resistant and fatal diseases for which there was no cure, volunteers returned to normal healthy states, leaving their maladies behind by drinking distilled water with the chlorine dioxide water purification drops added.
The volunteers related unbelievable stories of being cured by Humble’s simple remedy, so he nicknamed the drops, “Miracle Mineral Solution,” or MMS for short, and began to spread the word. After being ridiculed for using the word “miracle” Humble started referring to it as Master Mineral Solution. He documented his findings and established a number of effective protocols in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.
FDA Attacks Humble’s MMS
Humble’s ministry spread and quickly gained the attention of the Food and Drug Association (FDA) which launched an Anti-MMS campaign in the media warning that the use of Humble’s MMS (chlorine dioxide) orally was the equivalent to drinking bleach which was dangerous and potentially deadly.
Humble was branded in the media as a con man quack-pot and snake oil salesman, selling not snake oil but deadly bleach to vulnerable, sick, and dying individuals.
MMS Promoters Jailed post-COVID-19
After the news of the Coronavirus broke out, one family, Mark Grenon, 62, and his sons, Jonathan Grenon, 34, Jordan Grenon, 26, and Joseph Grenon, 32, all of Bradenton, Florida began spreading the idea that Humble’s MMS could potentially ward-off or treat the looming specter of the Coronavirus.
The FDA countered with court orders to cease and desist from spreading such rumors about the toxic and deadly chlorine dioxide solution. The Grenons agreed to comply with the orders, then later deciding to do so would be a conflict of their, and their church’s, beliefs, and started sharing the message once again.

This led to the arrest of the father and his three sons who were sent directly to jail, where they could not make such claims about chlorine dioxide’s anti-viral qualities. While the FDA admits that chlorine dioxide possesses powerful antifungal/antiviral attributes when applied to surface areas, they assert that the substance is dangerous and potentially lethal if taken orally.

Follow up: Grenon Family Faces Judge for Distributing MMS
Pharmaceutical Chlorine Dioxide Patents
While the Grenons were effectively silenced and safely locked away, many studies were conducted, and patents were filed for using chlorine dioxide as an effective treatment regimen for the novel coronavirus that has been named “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2” (SARS-CoV-2).
The disease caused by the virus has been named “Coronavirus Disease 2019” (COVID-19). Studies indicate that chlorine dioxide may kill the Coronavirus upon contact or in up to 30 seconds.
FDA Says,
To date, the FDA has not approved any chlorine dioxide-based treatment for SARS-CoV-2/ COVID-19 and will seek to prosecute anyone who attempts to introduce, deliver, or sell any such prohibited unauthorized drug.
Paris Humble’s Book
In 2022, Jim Humble’s daughter, Paris Humble, released her book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration. Having grown up in the shadow of her father’s work, she notes a couple of the clear mistakes that her father made in the sharing of the information based on his discovery of the potential use of chlorine dioxide in healing the body.
Firstly, based on the enthusiasm of volunteers and church members that enthusiastically proclaimed that they had been “healed” or “cured” from untreatable and life-threatening diseases, her father was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm and based on their testimonials, told their stories using their words. Words that are offensive to the medical industry and governing bodies.
The uses of these words were the tripwire that released the defamation campaign launched by the FDA.
Secondly, later the Humbles, both father, and daughter realized chlorine dioxide or “MMS” as her father, Jim Humble referred to it, didn’t actually ever heal or cure anything. But what it did do was the very same thing that it excels at outside the body, inside as well. And that is, to kill pathogens.
Paris Humble says,
“When the body is overwhelmed by toxins, pathogens, or viruses, the body is unable to go about its own natural process of healing and regeneration. By removing the trash, the body is empowered to do its natural healing, repair, rebuilding, and maintenance on its own.”
You can find a great resource for chlorine dioxide here!