It is common for people to search for information on the correct chlorine dioxide dosage or for data on what chlorine dioxide cures, and it is important to understand how to use chlorine dioxide water purification to enhance your biological system, and the chief forerunner of this research and development was started by MMS pioneer, Jim Humble.
Jim Humble started his research into the health benefits of chlorine dioxide based on his first-hand experience of witnessing it saving the lives of malaria victims who were waiting at death’s door. A dramatic experience to notice that only giving those victims water properly purified with chlorine dioxide killed the malaria parasites. That’s what led Mr. Humble to give chlorine dioxide the nickname Master Mineral Solution (MMS).
The excited chlorine dioxide enthusiast turned scientist recruited others to join his research which culminated in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium by Jim Humble. In this ground-breaking book, he discloses the many ways that chlorine dioxide solutions, which he refers to as master mineral solution (MMS) and discloses a variety of protocols that could be applied to different ailments.
As the government, medical, and pharmaceutical industries got wind of Humble’s R&D of chlorine dioxide FDA, Food and Drug Association, was quick to ban chlorine dioxide for human consumption, even though it had been used for decades to sterilize our foods and meats in the processing and packaging industry and make our city water safe to drink. So, all of us have already had some chlorine dioxide in our diet.
Making Chlorine Dioxide
Making chlorine dioxide is easy for the layman and could be made from the same two-part water purification drops formula that Jim Humble had used in the field to save the lives of those men dying from malaria.
Armed with Part 1 and Part 2 water purification drops, you put one drop of Part 1 and One drop of Part 2 into a small clean and dry glass, like a shot glass, and swirl the drops together. Wait for 30 to 40 seconds for the drops to activate. (You will be able to smell the gas from the activation process to prove it is working.) Then add a little more water and swirl it around again and pour it into your four-to-eight-ounce glass or non-metallic container of water. Now you have purified water to drink.
Note that in Jim Humbles protocols, one drop of Part 1 and one drop of Part 2 = 1 drop of MMS.
Chlorine Dioxide Doesn’t Stop Working
Here is the biggest discovery made by the Humble camp: Chlorine dioxide does not stop working when you drink purified water. As that purified water moves through your body, it continues to kill pathogens in the body in the very same way that it does outside the body. This is the secret behind the personal use of chlorine dioxide solution.
Chlorine Dioxide Disinfection
The fact that chlorine dioxide disinfection takes place both outside and inside the body is a powerful revelation in the care of both animals and humans. Over 20 years ago The American Society of Analytical Chemists stated that “Chlorine Dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man” (1999). It was renowned for annihilating viruses, bacteria, and parasites on contact, and that is why it was quickly approved by the FDA for food processing use, to keep Americans safe, but no one continued to research the substance to see what effect it would have on the human body.
The Chlorine Dioxide Story Continues
Paris Humble, the daughter of Jim Humble is continuing the work of her father. Having grown up in the shadow of the emergence of chlorine dioxide as a way to enhance the biology of the human body when used from the inside out.
Chlorine Dioxide is Not a Cure
As Paris Humble, the author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, states, “Chlorine dioxide is not a cure for anything,” even though millions of people claim that they have been cured of chronic ailments which are not cured by using her father’s MMS protocols.
Paris says, “That is not how it works.” She goes on to say, “It works by killing off all the bad stuff, the bacteria, viruses, parasites, and infected cells that have turned against you. Then the body can do what it’s designed to do: Heal itself.”
Because our bodies are full of these things that get inside us in the food, drink, and air that we take in are full of toxins, they take up residence and overrun the ecology inside us, which is not good for us. Our immune system is severely compromised and the natural ability to fight off disease suffers severely.
“Once the body is purified,” just like the water, Paris Humble says, “it can go about the work of fighting off anything else that threatens human survivability, and we can self-heal and thrive.”
Chlorine Dioxide Home Treatment
Paris does promote the use of MMS or chlorine dioxide home treatment and still supports the idea of having a variety of methods to address certain health challenges.
Neither Paris nor her father Jim Humble is suggesting that anyone defy your doctor’s advice, but it is your right as an American citizen to choose to use chlorine dioxide treatment for home for yourself, not anyone else. Note that if it appears to have miraculous results for you, it may not work in the same way in anyone else’s body because we are all different. Never try to convince someone to drink purified water. But if you decide to try this for yourself you must,
Get it in your body.
You must be able to get chlorine dioxide in your body or else it will not work. Drinking chlorine dioxide made from the Part 1 and Part 2 process can taste bad at higher dosages. Paris Humble prefers pre-mixed CDS 3000 because it tastes better. DMSO can also be combined with chlorine dioxide for topical applications.
In terms of the CDS chlorine dioxide solution dosage, five drops of CDS 3000 are equivalent to 1 drop of MMS.
DMSO for topical application of MMS
DMSO is a topical penetrant that can be used in conjunction with MMS to deliver the chlorine dioxide to where you want it to go, like an injection without the needle. For more information, see DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans: Recipes & Treatment.
~ Paris Humble