Thank you for visiting this MMS website. We hope you will continue to comment and ask questions about MMS and the Humble’s ministries concerning chlorine dioxide.
Many people inquire as to chlorine dioxide health effects and how to buy chlorine dioxide, so we do the best we can to answer your inquiries but notice that we will never give you advice. We might tell you what we did, or someone else might tell you what they did, but that does not mean that any of this information has anything to do with you.
You are the only one who can figure out what is right for you, or you can listen to your doctor and do whatever he or she says to you because he or she has been licensed and authorized by government agencies to advise you in this way. Here, we are just regular people, like you.
Why is it so hard to find information on MMS?
It wasn’t that long ago, and you could search Google to find many benefits of using MMS or chlorine dioxide. Now, not so much, but if you use other alternative search engines, like you might be able to browse your way through the muck and mire to find what you are looking for.
Why is it so hard to find what you are looking for? Left to your imagination, you could probably come up with hundreds of scenarios. At least, there is a new book out by Paris Humble, the daughter of MMS discoverer, Jim Humble who is continuing to spend the time and effort to continue the chlorine dioxide research and development.
Jim Humble chlorine dioxide MMS book is rare but can be found online by searching for The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium. Paris Humble’s book was immediately banned from Amazon, so unfortunately, it cannot be found there, but her book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, can be found elsewhere.
In her new book, she discloses to the new chlorine dioxide generation the latest chlorine dioxide health benefits as they relate to both humans and animals. She expounds on how we can live better lives more possibly free from disease and health impairment while participating in chlorine dioxide human consumption regularly.
Chlorine Dioxide Benefits
In Paris Humble’s book, she lists a wide variety of health concerns where chlorine dioxide has shown to be beneficial to people who claim to have achieved incredible results. She includes them in her book. Remember that these are officially anecdotal stories and understand that MMS is not considered a remedy or cure for anything.
Examples from the book include
And that’s just a few of the ailments she shares information about how to use chlorine dioxide to eliminate the issues associated with these maladies.
How Does Chlorine Dioxide Work?
According to the author, Paris Humble, chlorine dioxide does not heal or cure anything. She suggests that the body is fully capable to heal itself. What chlorine dioxide does so effectively is to kill pathogens, bacteria, and viruses that often pollute the body so much that it is prevented from healing itself, like it was designed to do in the first place.
Chlorine Dioxide for Sale
While neither Paris nor her father, Jim Humble sell chlorine dioxide it can be found via the internet by searching not for MMS but rather for water purification drops with chlorine dioxide. You should be unable to buy chlorine dioxide as a health supplement but may purchase it as water purifier only, a use that it is authorized for.
Chlorine Dioxide Side Effects
Clearly, chlorine dioxide is not without its side effects. If you are familiar with self- and alternative healing methodologies, you are probably already acquainted with the term detoxification. This is a process of eliminating the tiny living organisms inside your body that feed on healthy cells or block the ability of the body to repair and rebuild.
This can be an unpleasant process. It can cause someone to sweat, experience cold or flu symptoms, experience diarrhea, or become nauseous. These are all indicators of detoxification. Your body is getting rid of all the bad things that have taken up residence inside your body. If the symptoms are too severe to tolerate, don’t stop taking MMS or chlorine dioxide. Instead cut how much you are taking in half, or in half again, until you get to a level you can tolerate.
The idea behind the chlorine dioxide solution is to get rid of the bad stuff, so that your body can get onto the business of the good stuff, healing itself.
Chlorine Dioxide Treatment
To the average chlorine dioxide user, suffering from chronic disease, the results look like a miraculous recovery or cure for something that has been bothering them for a long period of time, and all the doctor’s efforts seem to have been ineffective. You can’t blame them for ecstatically and enthusiastically announcing their recovery from something that’s been ailing them for so long.
In reality, chlorine dioxide is not a treatment for anything, except for ridding the body of what is keeping it from healing itself, which it does so effectively.
Even a Doctor of Health and Nutrition, Herb Roi Richards, found both himself and his wife battling chronic Lyme disease, and they were able to beat it using chlorine dioxide. The results were documented in his book, Lyme Disease Non-medical Diagnosis and Treatment: How I Kicked Chronic Lyme disease in One Year for Pennies, available in both Paperback and Kindle formats.
To the untrained eye, the Richards’ story might look like they had discovered a cure in chlorine dioxide, but Richards thoroughly understood that he was just getting the bad guys out of the way so that his and his wife’s bodies could get the job done, and they did.
~ Paris Humble