If you have bought any grocery store food, or eaten in a restaurant, in the last 40 years, you’ve already taken chlorine dioxide without even knowing it.
Chlorine dioxide is used in every food processing plant and commercial kitchen. It touches almost everything you eat, and it keeps your food safe. It is authorized for this use by the FDA, and if you eat raw fresh vegetables from the store, you are probably ingesting it when you do. (Though its pathogen-killing ability fades over time, so by the time you get it from the store, there is little or no benefit from doing so.)
To give you a point of reference MMS is the name my father coined for Chlorine Dioxide, and it stuck to this day. I use them interchangeably for that is my vocabulary. Please understand that they are one and the same. Over 20 years ago The American Society of Analytical Chemists stated that “Chlorine Dioxide is the most powerful pathogen killer known to man” (1999) and that still holds true today. It disintegrates viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, etc. regardless of what name the medical community puts on them.
Sodium Chlorite, when activated with a food acid becomes an entirely different chemical, Chlorine Dioxide, which I often refer to as MMS.
MMS literature considers 1 drop of 22.5% to 28% Sodium Chlorite + 1 drop of 50% Citric Acid, etc. activator to be 1 drop of MMS.
Protocol 1000
In Protocol 1000, “this is where the real results start to see efficacy with results that can be clearly experienced, felt and measured… this is where the magic happens, but there is no magic happening at all, really. It is only the ability of the body’s natural capacity to heal itself is no longer inhibited by all the toxic chemistry or microscopic lifeforms struggling to survive and inhibiting your body’s healthy, self-healing status.”
How to Conduct Your Protocol 1000
Activate one drop of MMS and mix with two to four ounces of water in a clean, dry glass
Drink within one minute of mixing
Keep taking the one drop of activated MMS solution every hour
After a few consecutive hours of taking the one-drop solution without any negative side effects consider adding an additional drop
When you are ready, regularly review your status and consider adding another drop to your regimen, until you reach three drops per hour
Continue drinking your MMS solution every hour for eight hours over a three-week (21-day) period
Don’t be afraid to be cautious, only add an additional drop to your existing regimen when you are comfortable and ready for the increase. Of course, if you experience a negative reaction, cut your present dose in half until you are able to stabilize.
As part of the elimination of the exterminated pathogens you may experience mild diarrhea but if it gets to be undesirable, or you are experiencing nausea or vomiting, cut your number of MMS drops in half until you stabilize.
If your health concerns resolve prior to the 21 days of Chlorine Dioxide Phase 3, it is recommended that you continue your MMS regimen for the remainder of the three-week duration to assure proper detoxification and elimination of extricated pathogens.
You May Have Lyme Disease
My friend, Roi Richards wrote a book, “How I kicked Chronic Lyme disease in One Year for Pennies.” I suggest anyone who thinks or has been diagnosed with this designer label (my way of saying a doctor said you have fibromyalgia, Lupus, any chronic disease, sleep apnea, etc., etc.) of Lyme disease get that book. It is very informative and easy to understand.
Note: If you seem to have more than one disease at a time you’ve almost for sure got Lyme disease whether you’ve been bitten by even a mosquito or not. Lyme disease is very contagious just like its parent, Syphilis, so it is easily spread from person to person.
You will gain more confidence in the miracles of the body when treated well, especially with the Phases within my book.
~ Paris Humble