Using Chlorine Dioxide or MMS to Eliminate Diabetes for Good

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions worldwide. It requires ongoing management of blood sugar levels to prevent serious health complications. While traditional treatments involve lifestyle changes, medications, and insulin therapy, some individuals have turned to alternative methods such as the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) or chlorine dioxide to manage their condition. This article explores the various ways chlorine dioxide, or MMS has been used to eliminate diabetes for good, based on shared personal experiences.

Understanding MMS and Chlorine Dioxide

MMS is a solution composed of chlorine dioxide, which is often promoted as a water purification agent. Some proponents claim it has health benefits, although its use remains controversial and unapproved by many health authorities for treating medical conditions. Despite this, anecdotal evidence suggests that MMS may have a role in supporting diabetes management.

Approaches to Using Chlorine Dioxide for Diabetes

Blood Sugar Regulation

Individuals with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have reported using MMS to help regulate blood sugar levels. Users start with a basic protocol that involves taking small doses of chlorine dioxide throughout the day, which they believe assists in lowering their blood glucose levels. Users often monitor their blood sugar closely and adjust their chlorine dioxide intake to maintain optimal levels.

Reduction in Medication Dependency

Individuals claim that consistent use of chlorine dioxide has allowed them to reduce or even eliminate their dependency on traditional diabetes medications, including insulin. This has been particularly noted in people with Type 2 diabetes, who often combine chlorine dioxide with dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments, such as adopting a vegetarian diet and engaging in regular exercise.

Detoxification and Weight Loss

Users of chlorine dioxide often describe its effects as a detoxification process that helps to cleanse the body of toxins. In some cases, this has been associated with significant weight loss and improvements in overall health markers, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These changes may contribute to better management of diabetes symptoms and a reduction in medication requirements.

Enhanced Quality of Life

Many accounts highlight the emotional and physical benefits of using chlorine dioxide, with users noting increased energy levels, improved mood, and a greater sense of well-being. Reducing the need for insulin injections or other medications has led to a more active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Support in Complicated Cases

In more severe cases, individuals dealing with complications like neuropathy or renal failure have shared experiences of symptom relief after incorporating chlorine dioxide into their regimen. While not scientifically validated, these stories suggest potential benefits that warrant further exploration and consideration within the context of comprehensive diabetes care.

Considerations and Cautions

While the testimonials provide insight into the potential uses of MMS in diabetes management, it is important to approach such alternatives with caution. MMS or chlorine dioxide is not a medically approved treatment for diabetes, and its safety and efficacy have not been established through rigorous clinical trials. Individuals interested in exploring chlorine dioxide should consult with healthcare professionals to ensure a safe and integrated approach to their diabetes care.

Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000

Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000 is a regimen involving the use of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) to support health and well-being. The protocol consists of using a chlorine dioxide solution purported to have cleansing and detoxifying properties. MMS or chlorine dioxide can be created by using over-the-counter water purification drops to purify questionably sourced water in the field available from most outdoor sports stores. While it is controversial and not approved by major health organizations, many individuals have shared personal testimonials of its benefits.

The primary goal of Protocol 1000 is to introduce small, frequent doses of chlorine dioxide into the body to promote health. This protocol is often used by those seeking alternative approaches to health management.

Components of Protocol 1000

MMS Solution

  • Part 1: Sodium chlorite solution.
  • Part 2: 50% citric acid solution as an activator.
  • Distilled Water: Used to dilute the activated solution for consumption.
Steps to Follow Protocol 1000

Activation of MMS

Combine three drops of Part 1 (sodium chlorite) with three drops of Part 2 (50% citric acid) in a clean, dry glass.
Allow the mixture to activate for 30 to 40 seconds. The solution should turn an amber color.


Add at least 4 ounces (approximately 120 milliliters) of distilled water to the activated solution.


Drink the diluted MMS solution immediately.
Do not prepare the solution in advance; it should be consumed fresh.


Repeat the process every hour, aiming for 8 to 10 daily doses.

The protocol is typically followed for 21 days.

Considerations and Adjustments

Initial Dose

Start with a lower dose if you experience any discomfort or detoxification symptoms. Gradually increase to the full dosage as tolerated.


Ensure adequate daily hydration to support detoxification and minimize potential side effects.


Track any changes in symptoms or overall health. Consult a healthcare professional if any adverse effects occur.

Safety and Consultation

It is crucial to consult with a natural healthcare provider before starting Protocol 1000, especially for individuals with pre-existing health conditions or those taking other medications.


MMS and Protocol 1000 remain controversial and have not been approved by major health authorities for medical use. Personal discretion and caution are advised.

Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000 is an alternative health regimen that involves the use of MMS to support detoxification and well-being. While anecdotal reports suggest benefits, it is essential to approach its use with careful consideration and professional guidance.

The use of MMS in diabetes management is a subject of ongoing debate and interest, fueled by personal testimonials of its benefits. While these stories are compelling, they underscore the need for further research and discussion about alternative therapies in diabetes care. As with any health intervention, it is crucial to make informed decisions in partnership with medical professionals to achieve the best outcomes for health and well-being.


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