Chlorine Dioxide is

Chlorine dioxide is the chemical result of combining equal measures of sodium chlorite and an acid activator, such as citric acid. Activation produces a gaseous reaction that mixes with water. Chlorine dioxide is one of the best-known pathogen killers, if not the best. Chlorine dioxide is 2.6 times more powerful in terms of oxidation than …

CDC Dioxide Chlorine Dioxide Disinfectant MMS Health

Checking in with the CDC dioxide chloride there are some mentions about chlorine dioxide and what happens when it reacts in water. They observe and relate that chlorine dioxide forms chlorite ions when combined with water. They note that it is reactive enabling the resulting solution to kill bacteria and microorganisms in water. They warn …

MMS Chlorine Dioxide Working in the Body

It is common for people to search for information on the correct chlorine dioxide dosage or for data on what chlorine dioxide cures, and it is important to understand how to use chlorine dioxide water purification to enhance your biological system, and the chief forerunner of this research and development was started by MMS pioneer, …

MMS Website Jim Humble Master Mineral Solution

Thank you for visiting this MMS website. We hope you will continue to comment and ask questions about MMS and the Humble’s ministries concerning chlorine dioxide. Many people inquire as to chlorine dioxide health effects and how to buy chlorine dioxide, so we do the best we can to answer your inquiries but notice that …

Choosing MMS for Feeling Better

The choices I make regarding my home and health are typically a combination of my own research and experience, my better judgment, common sense, and the opinions of those I trust. One of those people, world-renowned intuitive healer and Ayurveda Practitioner Andreas Moritz (author of “the amazing liver and gallbladder flush”) is recommending MMS to …