What is Chlorine Dioxide? Is It Healthy, Safe and Effective?

Chlorine dioxide (CD) has been a topic of growing interest and debate, with proponents hailing it as a powerful remedy for various health issues. Often referred to as Master Mineral Solution (MMS), chlorine dioxide is praised for its potential in treating infections and other health conditions where conventional treatments have fallen short. However, its use remains controversial, and it’s essential to evaluate this compound’s safety and efficacy carefully.

What is Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula ClO₂. It is a potent oxidizing agent used primarily for its disinfectant properties. Unlike chlorine bleach, a strong oxidizer that can form harmful by-products, chlorine dioxide does not produce carcinogenic chlorinated organics. This distinct chemical behavior makes it useful in various applications, including water purification and surface disinfection.

Approved Uses and Safety of Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide has a well-established record of safety in specific applications. The FDA has approved its use as an antimicrobial agent in treating poultry, fruits, vegetables, red meat, seafood, and bottled water. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also endorses its use for water purification. The World Health Organization (WHO) also supports its application in treating and purifying water.

In practical scenarios, chlorine dioxide has been used to address contamination issues, such as mold in the aftermath of hurricanes and anthrax contamination in high-profile incidents like the 2001 Capitol Hill scare. Despite its use in these contexts, it’s crucial to distinguish between its application as a disinfectant and its use as a health treatment.

Selective Action of Chlorine Dioxide

One of the compelling aspects of chlorine dioxide is its selective action. Chlorine dioxide (CD) is an oxidizer, targeting pathogens without significantly affecting healthy cells. This is because CD reacts with acidic, positively charged ions found on pathogens, leading to a breakdown of their structure. Research has shown that CD can effectively oxidize viral proteins, including those on SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.

This oxidative action means CD can destroy harmful microorganisms by disrupting and eliminating their proteins. Importantly, CD only activates upon contact with specific conditions found in pathogens, reducing the risk of harm to healthy cells with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH.

Safety and Misconceptions Re: Chlorine Dioxide

The safety of chlorine dioxide, particularly in medical or therapeutic contexts, is debated, especially in uses where the FDA prohibits it. While chlorine dioxide (CD) has been used effectively for water purification and as an antimicrobial agent, its use as a health treatment is not without controversy.

The New York Medical Authorities have restricted its use outside of medical supervision, authorizing it only for terminally ill patients who have exhausted all other treatment options. Authorities claim this caution is due to federal regulations, the potential risks associated with improper dosing, and the need for careful administration to avoid adverse effects.

Despite its approval for specific uses, CD is sometimes called “industrial bleach,” which can be misleading. While chlorine dioxide and bleach contain chlorine, their chemical properties and effects differ significantly. Chlorine dioxide does not form harmful chlorinated organics like bleach does and is designed to break down into compounds that are not harmful.

Studies and Applications Re: Chlorine Dioxide

Numerous studies have explored the potential benefits of chlorine dioxide (CD) in various health contexts. For example, research has indicated that CD can effectively treat conditions like malaria, typhoid fever, and HIV. It has also been used successfully in treating skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.

Chlorine dioxide has shown promise in clinical settings for improving symptoms in COVID-19 patients, with reports of significant improvements within 48 hours. However, such claims should be approached skeptically, and reliance on peer-reviewed research and professional medical consultation is advised.

How to Use Chlorine Dioxide

Proper protocols are crucial to ensure safety and efficacy for those interested in using chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide (CD) is typically prepared by mixing drop(s) of sodium chlorite with an equal number of drop(s) of an activator such as citric acid and allowing it to “activate” for 30 seconds. This mixture is then diluted with water for consumption.

It is advisable to start with a low drop dose and gradually increase as tolerated. The recommended dosage varies depending on the addressed condition and the individual’s response. CD can also be used in other forms, such as in a humidifier for respiratory issues, ear drops for infections, or baths for skin conditions.

Precautions and Considerations

  • Dosage: Proper dosing is crucial. High doses can be harmful and should be avoided. Chlorine dioxide (CD) should be used according to established protocols and under professional guidance.
  • Interactions: Avoid combining CD with vitamin C or other antioxidants, as they can neutralize its effectiveness.
  • Medical Supervision: Always use CD under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, especially for therapeutic purposes.
  • Quality and Preparation: Use high-quality products and prepare chlorine dioxide before use to ensure its effectiveness and safety.

Chlorine dioxide has demonstrated notable efficacy as a disinfectant and antimicrobial agent. Its potential as a therapeutic tool for various health conditions is an area of ongoing research and debate. While some studies suggest it may offer benefits for treating infections and other ailments, its use should be cautiously approached. Always consult with natural healthcare professionals and rely on evidence-based practices when considering any new treatment options. Chlorine dioxide’s safety and effectiveness continue evolving, and staying informed is vital to responsible health decisions.



Using Chlorine Dioxide or MMS to Eliminate Diabetes for Good

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions worldwide. It requires ongoing management of blood sugar levels to prevent serious health complications. While traditional treatments involve lifestyle changes, medications, and insulin therapy, some individuals have turned to alternative methods such as the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) or chlorine dioxide to manage their condition. This article explores the various ways chlorine dioxide, or MMS has been used to eliminate diabetes for good, based on shared personal experiences.

Understanding MMS and Chlorine Dioxide

MMS is a solution composed of chlorine dioxide, which is often promoted as a water purification agent. Some proponents claim it has health benefits, although its use remains controversial and unapproved by many health authorities for treating medical conditions. Despite this, anecdotal evidence suggests that MMS may have a role in supporting diabetes management.

Approaches to Using Chlorine Dioxide for Diabetes

Blood Sugar Regulation

Individuals with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have reported using MMS to help regulate blood sugar levels. Users start with a basic protocol that involves taking small doses of chlorine dioxide throughout the day, which they believe assists in lowering their blood glucose levels. Users often monitor their blood sugar closely and adjust their chlorine dioxide intake to maintain optimal levels.

Reduction in Medication Dependency

Individuals claim that consistent use of chlorine dioxide has allowed them to reduce or even eliminate their dependency on traditional diabetes medications, including insulin. This has been particularly noted in people with Type 2 diabetes, who often combine chlorine dioxide with dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments, such as adopting a vegetarian diet and engaging in regular exercise.

Detoxification and Weight Loss

Users of chlorine dioxide often describe its effects as a detoxification process that helps to cleanse the body of toxins. In some cases, this has been associated with significant weight loss and improvements in overall health markers, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These changes may contribute to better management of diabetes symptoms and a reduction in medication requirements.

Enhanced Quality of Life

Many accounts highlight the emotional and physical benefits of using chlorine dioxide, with users noting increased energy levels, improved mood, and a greater sense of well-being. Reducing the need for insulin injections or other medications has led to a more active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Support in Complicated Cases

In more severe cases, individuals dealing with complications like neuropathy or renal failure have shared experiences of symptom relief after incorporating chlorine dioxide into their regimen. While not scientifically validated, these stories suggest potential benefits that warrant further exploration and consideration within the context of comprehensive diabetes care.

Considerations and Cautions

While the testimonials provide insight into the potential uses of MMS in diabetes management, it is important to approach such alternatives with caution. MMS or chlorine dioxide is not a medically approved treatment for diabetes, and its safety and efficacy have not been established through rigorous clinical trials. Individuals interested in exploring chlorine dioxide should consult with healthcare professionals to ensure a safe and integrated approach to their diabetes care.

Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000

Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000 is a regimen involving the use of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) to support health and well-being. The protocol consists of using a chlorine dioxide solution purported to have cleansing and detoxifying properties. MMS or chlorine dioxide can be created by using over-the-counter water purification drops to purify questionably sourced water in the field available from most outdoor sports stores. While it is controversial and not approved by major health organizations, many individuals have shared personal testimonials of its benefits.

The primary goal of Protocol 1000 is to introduce small, frequent doses of chlorine dioxide into the body to promote health. This protocol is often used by those seeking alternative approaches to health management.

Components of Protocol 1000

MMS Solution

  • Part 1: Sodium chlorite solution.
  • Part 2: 50% citric acid solution as an activator.
  • Distilled Water: Used to dilute the activated solution for consumption.
Steps to Follow Protocol 1000

Activation of MMS

Combine three drops of Part 1 (sodium chlorite) with three drops of Part 2 (50% citric acid) in a clean, dry glass.
Allow the mixture to activate for 30 to 40 seconds. The solution should turn an amber color.


Add at least 4 ounces (approximately 120 milliliters) of distilled water to the activated solution.


Drink the diluted MMS solution immediately.
Do not prepare the solution in advance; it should be consumed fresh.


Repeat the process every hour, aiming for 8 to 10 daily doses.

The protocol is typically followed for 21 days.

Considerations and Adjustments

Initial Dose

Start with a lower dose if you experience any discomfort or detoxification symptoms. Gradually increase to the full dosage as tolerated.


Ensure adequate daily hydration to support detoxification and minimize potential side effects.


Track any changes in symptoms or overall health. Consult a healthcare professional if any adverse effects occur.

Safety and Consultation

It is crucial to consult with a natural healthcare provider before starting Protocol 1000, especially for individuals with pre-existing health conditions or those taking other medications.


MMS and Protocol 1000 remain controversial and have not been approved by major health authorities for medical use. Personal discretion and caution are advised.

Jim Humble’s Protocol 1000 is an alternative health regimen that involves the use of MMS to support detoxification and well-being. While anecdotal reports suggest benefits, it is essential to approach its use with careful consideration and professional guidance.

The use of MMS in diabetes management is a subject of ongoing debate and interest, fueled by personal testimonials of its benefits. While these stories are compelling, they underscore the need for further research and discussion about alternative therapies in diabetes care. As with any health intervention, it is crucial to make informed decisions in partnership with medical professionals to achieve the best outcomes for health and well-being.


DMSO Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Master Mineral Solution J Humble

Dimethyl sulfoxide, abbreviated as DMSO or Topical Penetrant Solution (TPS), is an industrial solvent that emerges as a by-product of timber in the paper-making process. It is an important enhancer of healing capabilities when DMSO is mixed with Master Mineral Solution (MMS) or chlorine dioxide. Since the 1960s, it has garnered attention as a potential alternative treatment for cancer. DMSO is recognized by various names such as C2H6OS, sulphinybismethane, dimethylis sulfoxidum, methyl sulphoxide, NSC-763, SQ-9453, Rimso-50®, sulphinybismethane, dimethyl sulfoxide, and dimethyl sulphoxide. However, DMSO is commonly referred to as its acronym for simplicity.

What is DMSO?

DMSO, a sulfur-containing organic compound, occurs naturally in vegetables, fruits, grains, and animal products. With over a century of usage as a solvent in the United States, DMSO is derived from wood pulp and is deemed harmless when handled with appropriate precautions. DMSO is widely available as a solvent and boasts numerous applications across various industries worldwide.

While DMSO has been effective in treating erosive gastritis, amyloidosis, diabetic foot ulcers, and ischemia, there remains a lack of well-designed clinical trials to validate its efficacy comprehensively. Individual users widely report DMSO’s effectiveness in addressing conditions such as closed head trauma, herpes zoster, tendinopathies, and complex regional pain syndrome.

The evidence regarding the efficacy of DMSO in medical applications is subject to scrutiny. Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved intravesical DMSO for interstitial cystitis, its safety and effectiveness in other conditions are not authorized by the FDA.

The discovery of DMSO’s potential in the medical field traces back to observations within the logging industry. Workers directly exposed to sap and water surrounding logs reported reduced pain and ailments, prompting further exploration into the healing properties of DMSO. Dr. Stanley Jacob, a key proponent of DMSO, initiated research into its medicinal properties in the 1960s. Despite initial clinical trial setbacks in the 1960s, DMSO gained approval for use as an anti-inflammatory treatment in animals and humans in the 1970s.

It is imperative to recognize the influence of financial interests in suppressing natural remedies. Pharmaceutical companies often prioritize profit over patient well-being, promoting new drugs with potentially harmful side effects while silencing dissent and dissenters. Despite these challenges, exploring alternative treatments like DMSO underscores the importance of prioritizing patient health and safety above corporate interests.

What is MMS?

Jim Humble, nicknamed chlorine dioxide Master Mineral Solution or MMS for short, shares insights into potential enhancements to the MMS protocol in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, which might be the breakthrough many have been waiting for. MMS has been shown to be effective against numerous ailments and diseases, such as ALS, fibromyalgia, lupus, Lyme, MS, diabetes, herpes, and more. Continuous research is dedicated to refining MMS action to facilitate faster recovery.

Chlorine dioxide or MMS can be made on demand using a two-part over-the-counter kit, “water purification drops,” found in sporting stores in the camping section to purify water and make it safe for drinking. The Natural Antibacterial Cleaner Solution (NACS pictured above) water purification kit is the protocol for activating the 28% sodium chlorite with 50/50 percent citric acid solution (premixed) to make chlorine dioxide in only 20 – 30 seconds.

Three notable improvements to MMS incorporating DMSO are outlined

Using DMSO and MMS:

It is recommended that a small amount of DMSO be added to each hourly dose. This adjustment applies to Protocol 1000 and Protocol 2000.

Protocol 1000 involves three drops of chlorine dioxide and three drops of citric acid per hour for 8 hours daily.

Protocol 2000 suggests consuming as many drops of chlorine dioxide and citric acid (equal amounts) per hour as tolerated for 10 hours daily. Both protocols advise reducing the drops if adverse reactions occur.

To incorporate DMSO:

  1. Use one drop of DMSO for each drop of MMS.
  2. Add DMSO only after the reaction of MMS and citric acid has concluded (approximately 20 seconds when using 50% citric acid).
  3. Allow the mixture to settle for 3 minutes after adding DMSO, and thoroughly stir.

Increased Frequency of Hourly Doses:

While previously advocating for increased daily MMS intake, individuals have reported notable results when extending hourly doses beyond 8 or 10 hours daily—up to 12 or 15 hours and beyond.

Many individuals have reported improved outcomes with more prolonged hourly doses, mainly when DMSO is included. Initial improvements were observed with increased hourly doses, further enhanced upon incorporating DMSO.

Reducing the MMS intake per hourly dose is recommended when adverse reactions such as nausea are observed.

According to Paris Humble, author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses, Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, the most important thing is to get chlorine dioxide into your body so that it can eliminate the viruses, toxins, and parasites that are preventing your body from performing its natural ability to restore, regenerate, and fight off unwanted invaders.

As complicated as her father, Jim Humble, made the use of chlorine dioxide, Paris says in reality, it could be reduced to its simplest form to the following protocols:

Maintenance: 5 activated drops in 4 or more ounces of distilled water twice a day (morning and night)

Protocol 1000 & 2000: Simply stated as 3 activated drops in 4 or more ounces of distilled water every hour for eight hours (Protocol 1000) or more often (Protocol 2000).

6 and 6: When dealing with a serious condition with severe symptoms, like food poisoning, double the three drops to six drops and take them every hour or more often as needed.

Oral DMSO addition: Many people report an exponential increase in efficacy by adding a teaspoon of DMSO to every oral dose, i.e., one teaspoon of DMSO added to 3 activated drops in 4 ounces of distilled water.

Topical Application: Mix any chlorine dioxide solution, i.e., a portion of the 3 activated drops in 4 ounces of water, with an equal or greater amount of DMSO, and apply with clean soap residue hands, gently rubbing the resulting mixture onto and around the affected area of the skin, and keep from contaminating the area of application for 10 minutes before allowing anything (such as clothing or other substances) from touching that area. The simplified chlorine dioxide and DMSO formulation is a half-and-half (50%) mixture above the waist, or 70% DMSO and 30% chlorine dioxide below the waist. Note that when DMSO and chlorine dioxide are mixed together, it has no shelf life, so only make a small enough amount to use in one application; if left standing, the two components will cancel each other out.

You can get more information in Herb Roi Richards’ book, DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans Recipes & Treatment.

Always remember the caveat: If you have a negative reaction to the chlorine dioxide, reduce the dose until it is tolerable. Increase the dose to the recommended as the body becomes healthy enough to increase the dose.

Of course, books with more details, various approaches, and delivery methods are available for the most studious individuals.

There should be no fear in using such a small dose of chlorine dioxide in such small drops. Of course, everyone should exercise due diligence before putting anything in their body, even if it has been purchased at the supermarket and is properly labeled and sold as food for human consumption. Regardless of the propaganda promoted by pharmaceutical companies and the FDA, no one has ever died from using such small doses of chlorine dioxide.





How to Make Your Own Chlorine Dioxide Miracle M Solution MMS

The purpose of this post is to show you how to make your own Miracle Mineral Solution, which is a powerful parasite and pathogen killer. Chlorine dioxide or MMS is increasingly being used as part of the most thorough parasite and pathogen cleanses, and for good reason. I recommend you watch video number 9 “Proof that the Red Cross cured 154 cases of malaria with MMS” on the Jim Humble Videos page to see for yourself rather than just taking my word for it.

Check out Chlorine Dioxide Testimonials for examples of how many people have overcome various maladies for ideas about which ways you might be able to use MMS yourself.

To build my immune system, I use it as part of a program to protect myself against parasites and pathogens.

The minimum dose is used three times a day. Use at your own discretion.

The following information should be noted:

As a concentrated product, this product is both corrosive and acidic. Be careful not to get this undiluted chemistry on your skin. If you do, use plenty of water to wash it away. If you get it on your clothes, it will discolor them, like bleach. So, be careful.

Activation of sodium chloride is necessary to make chlorine dioxide or MMS.

MMS should always be used in small doses and built up over time.

I got this two-bottle kit online. You can get them, or similar chlorine dioxide water purification drops from sporting goods stores, in the camping supplies section. This formulation is commonly used to purify water in the wild that may be contaminated. Treating with chlorine dioxide water purification drops makes questionably sourced water safe to drink.

  • Part 1 consists of 28% sodium chlorite (extremely alkaline)
  • Part 2 is an activator, 50% Citric Acid (extremely acidic), like the acid in a lemon.

Check to be sure your water purification drops have this formulation. If so, you can create chlorine dioxide or MMS from this mixture in the following manner.

How to Make MMS

To make this for myself and my husband, I use two jars with lids that need to be completely dry, without a drop of water.

Here’s what I do to prepare three doses at once:

  • My first step is to place the jar on the side of the lid so that the drops will collect on one side.
  • Three drops of PART 1 – Sodium Chlorite should be added
  • On top of PART 1, add three drops of PART 2 – Citric Acid.
  • Mix the drops together by swirling the drops in the jar.

When you first add the two portions, they are completely clear. Leave it for thirty to forty-five seconds until the color changes to a yellowish-amber-brown.

Note: The 30-second wait period for activation only works for this particular formulation. Using a different formulation or alternative activator (besides 50% citric acid) will require a longer period of time for proper activation. That’s why I always use this formulation, and that is also why this is most commonly used for campers and survivalists. It is a quick and easy one-to-one mix with a 30-second activation time.

The solution must be diluted with sufficient water or juice before drinking.

MMS with Dimethyl Sulfoxide added

You can add water and use it… or, I add DSMO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)…


My little 8 oz bottle of DMSO is sitting in a bowl of water. This is because it tends to ‘freeze’ in cold weather. To thaw, I place it in warm water for a while. It stays liquid much longer if I leave it in the water even after it thaws, compared to if I leave it on the countertop.

This is because DMSO mixes with the MMS and pushes it throughout your biological system. In other words, it pushes anything you have on your skin or take through your whole body and bloodstream. Make sure you clean your hands thoroughly before applying.

If you were to have fuel on your hands, DMSO would push it straight through your system, through the protective layers of your skin, tissues, muscles, and organs, and put the fuel into your bloodstream and bones… and you don’t want that.

The good news is that if you mix DMSO with anything that might be hugely beneficial to your body, you can mix it with DMSO and apply it to any area of your skin, or drink it, and get it into your body, when and where you want it to go, more effectively than using an IV drip or injection. (Very cool.)

There is an excellent book on DMSO and how to use it homeopathically called, DMSO for Humans Recipes and Treatment.

After the drops have deepened in color, I add 6 drops of DMSO.

I make three doses, so I add three spoons of distilled water for each dose. To keep it air-tight and clean, the lid is screwed on securely.

I have one jar for my husband and one for myself.


  • Start with just one drop of Sodium Chlorite and one drop of Citric Acid in a small glass or medicine cup.
  • Mix well and let stand for 30 to 45 seconds.
  • You can add 4 ounces or as much filtered water or juice as you like to make it so that it does not taste too bad. Drink it.

Apple, pineapple, cranberry or grape juice are recommended juices. Check to ensure that the juices do not contain added Vitamin C. Vitamin C neutralizes the effects of the chlorine dioxide you are making.

There is no maximum number of doses per day (usually 1-3 hours apart).

If you feel your immune system is strong, increase the drops each day until you reach the optimal dose of 15 drops, 3 times a day. If you do not experience any symptoms, continue using the 15-drop dose for one week.


  • Always add enough water or juice to the solution – never use full strength.
  • After 30 seconds of activation, add the water or juice.
  • Don’t exceed the recommended dose.

It is recommended that you do your own research before using MMS, as some have written against it. I believe this product is quite safe when used as directed.

The latest book on MMS is a valuable resource, written by Jim Humble’s daughter, Paris Humble, called Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.

Early on at the beginning of Jim Humble’s journey in the discovery and research phase of chlorine dioxide and MMS, he released a set of books that disclosed how to make MMS from scratch. This does not interest me much because I am not an amateur chemist and am not interest in making MMS from scratch. I prefer to purchase the two-bottle-kit and make it that way.

If you are interested in making your own MMS, of for some reason if you are not able to buy a two-part kit, you might consider getting Jim Humble’s two-part book set, referred to as the yellow books, Book: 2 Book Set: Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century Jim Hum – Top Seller Best Sellers, if you are DIY-inclined and would like to get into the chemistry and do it yourself.


Chlorine Dioxide for Parasite and Pathogen Elimination

Providing oxygen to the body’s tissues and fluids, chlorine dioxide activates the mitochondria of cells, which in turn produce energy that allows the body to recover. Through a selective oxidation process, chlorine dioxide eliminates viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Chlorine dioxide releases oxygen due to pathogen acidity. Its therapeutic effect is attributed, among other things, to the fact that it helps eliminate many types of pathogens responsible for disease symptoms by creating an alkaline environment, thereby eliminating the pathogens.

The body gets its energy from combustion. Without oxygen, there would be no energy, and without energy there would be no health or life. As we burn sugars, fats, and proteins from our diet to obtain energy, nutrition is one of the most important factors to consider when we want to stay healthy. Hippocrates, the founder of medicine, once said, “Let food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.”

An unhealthy diet is achieved by avoiding aggressive foods that cause acidosis. The foods we eat every day contain millions of pathogens and parasite and we have no idea that they are damaging the cells of our body and feeding and spreading parasites who are constantly breeding deep inside of us.

The accumulation of pathogens, parasites, and their waste is the cause of premature aging, lack of energy, stress, headaches, heart disease, allergies, eczema, urticaria, asthma, kidney stones, atherosclerosis, and cancer, among life-challenging symptoms.

Therefore, the use of chlorine dioxide water purification drops is always a complementary use within the diet, as well as other personal, social, and medical characteristics of the individual who decides and chooses to drink chlorine dioxide purified water regularly, as a way to prevent and seek positive effects on their health and life, as those who, using their freedom of choice, use alternative and complementary therapies in order to improve their health and quality of life.

The notion that chlorine dioxide water purification drops can eliminate harmful parasites and pathogens has significant potential for those facing health issues. This process, known as a pathogenic cleanse, requires the consumption of safe yet effective doses of chlorine dioxide to eradicate harmful organisms residing in the body. These invaders drain energy and introduce toxins, leaving the body vulnerable to illness.

Chlorine Dioxide Pathogen and Parasite Killer AKA MMS

Jim Humble, the author of Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century Part 1, made an important discovery about chlorine dioxide and its health benefits. He nicknamed it MMS and shares all the details in his book. In the sequel, Part 2, he dives into the chemistry behind MMS and provides clear instructions for preparing it at home. This knowledge is crucial because once you grasp the science and realize its lack of negative effects – aside from feeling slightly nauseous as toxins and pathogens are expelled – it becomes a must-try option for anyone dealing with potentially harmful amounts of toxins.

If you are not in optimal health and experience fatigue, weight management challenges, or imbalances in your blood pressure, along with recurring inflammation and pain, it is possible that the underlying cause may be linked to toxins, heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Unlike traditional medicine approaches that involve treating these issues with potentially harmful substances that may damage healthy tissue along with the targeted ones, chlorine dioxide solely targets problematic matter.

Diseased cells that are acidic, with a positive ion charge, will be oxidized and killed by chlorine dioxide ions. Pathogens, killer cells, and even cancerous cells are killed by this compound. Chlorine dioxide deteriorates into table salt and sometimes hypochlorous acid, which the body can also utilize if it encounters no pathogens or poisons.

Chlorine Dioxide Parasite and Pathogen Cleanse

Parasites have a deep desire to survive, meaning they have no intention of causing harm by killing their host. Instead, they rely on your living body to sustain them and will only keep you alive enough for this purpose. Unfortunately, this can lead to chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and thyroid problems which are common among humans. While some argue that parasites and pathogens are the root cause of all illness and disease, this may not be entirely accurate. However, it can certainly be said that they play a significant role in most cases.

According to Paris Humble, Jim Humble’s daughter and author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, she uses chlorine dioxide to eliminate parasites and pathogens periodically and confides that she eliminated many things from her body using various exiting methods.

Because we live in a society where pathogens and parasites lay thousands of eggs every day in our bodies, Paris suggests that individuals consider performing a thorough parasite and pathogen cleanse periodically. The only way to live totally free of them is to live in a vacuum.

While chlorine dioxide is an excellent killer of viruses, bacteria, fungi, dangerous cells, cancerous cells, and other pathogens, there are some extremely hard-to-kill worms and pathogens that have evolved over time and have become resistant to treatment, evasive, or invisible to any one ingredient.

Multifaceted Deworming, Parasite, and Pathogen Cleanse

As a result, a comprehensive multifaceted complete cleanse method has achieved impressive results for those who have had difficulty in the past. This method has proven effective for those who have had inconceivable relentless trouble in the past. Testimonials from these individuals defy medical explanation, and the authority of the Food and Drug Administration of the United States.

In order to effectively eliminate all harmful pathogens, parasites, and worms, a comprehensive strategy must be employed. This would involve utilizing both chlorine dioxide water purification drops and Wayne Rowland’s Human Parasite & Deworming Cleanse Protocol over a period of three months. The protocol includes various products designed to eradicate parasites and pathogens, as well as promote the health of the gut and blood during the process. The central element of this approach is Rowland’s Tesla lightning water.

That should do the trick.

FDA Compliance
The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

Is MMS Chlorine Dioxide Safe for Humans to Drink?

When sodium chlorite is activated into chlorine dioxide, Jim Humble discovered it is even more effective against microbes than sodium chlorite itself. MMS (chlorine dioxide) Master Mineral Solution, also known as Miracle Mineral Supplement, is made by mixing sodium chlorite and citric acid together. Chlorine dioxide is created when sodium chlorite and citric acid are mixed together.

The molecule chlorine dioxide is being recommended as a treatment for infections and cancers caused by microbes, including melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and breast cancer. On this and other websites, there are numerous articles discussing MMS, activated sodium chlorite, and/or chlorine dioxide.

The MMS supplement contains 28 percent sodium chlorite (which is NOT the same as sodium chloride found in common table salt). Alternative medicine has been using sodium chlorite for more than 70 years to treat a variety of microbial conditions, including colds and the flu, and is available from sports shops as chlorine dioxide water purification drops for purifying questionable water in the field for safe drinking.

The MMS formula is best represented by the two-part chlorine dioxide water purification kit used to make chlorine dioxide. MMS is so popular because it works well, is cheap, and nontoxic when used in an educated manner. It is EPA approved for commercial and industrial water purification and is used in tens of thousands of cities worldwide. Its superiority to chlorine is also due to the fact that it is broken down into sodium chloride, salt, in the body. Since our blood and lymph are based on salt water, it isn’t a problem.

According to Paris Humble, daughter of Jim Humble, the FDA launched an all-out media smear campaign against her father and his belief that a basic water purifier could effectively treat most (if not all) chronic illnesses. She shares that she does not support the idea of MMS curing diseases, which was also the stance taken by the FDA. Paris believes that the accusations made against her father by the FDA, branding him as a fraudulent seller of “snake oil” (chlorine dioxide) and claiming it was a toxic industrial bleach that could be fatal if ingested, were deliberately spread to discredit any health claims he may have made about chlorine dioxide.

According to Paris, Jim Humble can defend himself by stating that, at the time, they were only aware of what the volunteers were sharing. The participants themselves were boasting about being “cured” of severe and life-threatening illnesses. However, the doctors responsible for treating these patients dismissed their claims, stating that they had either been misdiagnosed or experienced a spontaneous remission. They also denied any connection between their disease-free state and the use of chlorine dioxide.

The doctors would have been prohibited from practicing medicine if they had admitted that chlorine dioxide reversed their condition. Even so, thousands of people who were once incurably ill were now healthy, healthier than they ever had been. Paris says, “When people told my dad, ‘They were cured,’ he believed them. We all believed them.

“Now, we know that MMS doesn’t cure anyone. Instead, it kills the pathogens that cause the symptoms we call diseases, more effectively than anything on planet earth. As a result, the body and its natural immune system are able to heal themselves.” In that healthy state, the body is able to heal itself. You can find out more about potential health benefits of chlorine dioxide in Paris Humble’s latest book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.

A hundred years ago, chlorine dioxide was used as a biocide, fungicide, bactericide, and virucide for commercial and industrial purposes. It is known as the most powerful pathogen killer ever invented. In addition, municipal water systems around the world use it to pre-treat drinking water. Why? Because it kills even the hardest-to-kill pathogens without harming beneficial human cells.

As a method of keeping meat, fish, poultry, food, fruit, vegetables, dairy, and beverages free from harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other pathogens for a long period of time, chlorine dioxide has been used, approved, and proven for years. FDA outlaws its use for human consumption even though it is used in food processing, factories, hospitals, and hospitality every day.

Chlorine dioxide (MMS) is commonly used in tap or bottled water, and water purification drops are available over the counter. A water purifier recognized as safe for human consumption, MMS selectively kills pathogens and is a chlorine dioxide product.

People use it now by word-of-mouth success stories. If it were a potent industrial bleach, why would millions of people use it? If you drank Clorox bleach every day, at the very least, kidney failure would occur.

Of particular interest is the witnessable fact of the result of backing off on one’s dosage if experiencing “side effects.” By decreasing the dosage, the side effects lessen and vanish. If one were to try to decrease the amount of bleach ingested but continue to drink it, the ill effects would not decrease, they would get worse.

In order to destroy disease pathogens and the poisons they produce, MMS moves through the blood and human body when used according to specific instructions, without causing harm to the body. In addition to saving hundreds of thousands of lives, MMS has improved many more. It is estimated that over 20,000,000 people have used the system to date.

Jim Humble and the Red Cross Battling Malaria in Africa Video

As hard as the FDA has tried to scrub the Internet of this video documenting Jim Humble’s assisting the Red Cross in Africa to supply MMS or chlorine dioxide to help those dying of Malaria. The Red Cross now declares that the event never took place. Here it is:

Protocol 1000

Jim Humble’s ‘Protocol 1000’ is applicable to almost any health concern. Protocol 1000 suggests the taking of three activated drops of chlorine dioxide every hour for eight hours, totaling 24 drops or 190 mg. Curious about its effects, one could compare this dosage to the LD50 of chlorine. It turns out that it is only 0.81% of the LD50. To put things in perspective, plain table salt has an LD50 of 240 g for an 80 kg person, but the recommended daily allowance (RDA) is only 1.5 g, which is just 0.63% of its LD50. Additionally, according to the MSDS, there are two levels at which side effects and no observable effects were noted. However, even at these levels, the amount of chlorine dioxide in 24 drops remains below both thresholds.

To limit the concentration of chlorine dioxide in drinking water, the EPA then applied two ‘safety factors’, each of which was 10 times (so multiplied gives 100x). In any case, the 24 drops will no longer pass this high margin of safety. If this safety margin had been applied to pharmaceuticals and other food-related industries, most of them, even table salt, would also have been outlawed.

CDS 3000 Chlorine Dioxide Solution

Another option for utilizing chlorine dioxide is CDS, a highly purified form of the substance. Typically, available in 3,000 ppm, CDS 3000, is recommended to be refrigerated for storage is recommended by Andreas Kalcker.

Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble

An equilibrium exists between the chlorine dioxide in the water and in the air above the liquid level when following Henry’s Law. As you deplete the solution, the chlorine dioxide will gradually escape from the liquid, which can be observed through changes in color. Test strips for determining chlorine dioxide levels can be purchased on Amazon. To accurately measure its concentration, use a syringe to extract and dilute the CDS into a range detectable by the test strip, and then calculate based on your chosen dilution factor. This method has been effectively demonstrated by Andreas Kalcker through videos on YouTube or his personal website.

You can read more about Jim Humble, his journey, formulations, and experiences in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

Can MMS Chlorine Dioxide be Consumed by Humans?

Ingestion of undiluted MMS or chlorine dioxide is never recommended. However, when used in minute amounts as suggested by Jim Humble, such as one drop of pre-diluted sodium chlorite in a glass of water and one drop of pre-diluted citric acid in a glass of water, would that be considered a safe dilution, and no one would think it was the same as drinking straight bleach.

People are not being told to take anything, only that they have chosen MMS as a safe alternative to pharmaceutical medications and are grateful to have it as a cheap alternative because they believe it to be a safe alternative.

In The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, Jim Humble says that there are two tests you can perform to give you an idea about how safe chlorine dioxide is.

Test #1: What Does MMS do to a Plant?

When red blood cells and other body cells are healthy, they are resistant to chlorine dioxide. However, many critics say that ClO2 runs though the body and kills everything in its path. Here is a test you can do to check that idea.

• Make up a strong MMS solution, much stronger than one that you would drink by mouth. Let me suggest a 10-drop dose of MMS in an ounce of water. That’s 40 times stronger than most doses and at least 10 times stronger than any dose you will ever take.

• Now take it to any delicate plant you might have, or grass or a tree. Spray it on any of the leaves or other parts of the plant.

It will do no damage to the plant. Following any of the protocols, you will never take a dose that strong, yet this dose will do no damage to the most delicate plant. It cannot harm plants that are hundreds of times more delicate than your skin and more delicate than any of your organs or the cell surfaces of your digestive tract. Of course, plants are different than body organs, but not that much different. The cells are very similar. All the critics have been saying, without ever checking the chemistry, that ClO2 just runs amuck and kills everything in its path. This test at least proves that chlorine dioxide does not kill everything in its path.

But let me also suggest that you take some Clorox and spray it on a plant. You will see the plant die. That is because there is chlorine in the Clorox.

Test #2: Will MMS Kill Plant Bugs?

Spray some ClO2 on any of the bugs you see on the above plants. Guess what? If you do not spray enough MMS to drown the bug, it will not die. In fact, the MMS will help it by killing its pathogens.

Now get some Clorox or any liquid with chlorine in it and spray a similar bug. It will immediately die. Chlorine kills all these things but chlorine dioxide does not. You should be starting to get an understanding of chlorine dioxide by now. It is selective in what it kills. The amazing fact is that:

• MMS kills pathogens without killing larger bugs and animals and without doing the slightest damage to human or animal body cells.

Before attempting any pharmaceutical alternative, you should consult a medical professional.


Jim Humble on Understanding MMS Chlorine Dioxide

To understand the MMS one must understand chlorine dioxide as that is what is generated and what does the job in the body.

Chlorine dioxide is a high explosive. Therefore, wherever it is used it must be generated on site.  It cannot be transported as chlorine dioxide.  It will instantly destroy any container that one might try to house it in. It cannot even be moved through metal or plastic pipes. Numerous methods have been devised to generate chlorine dioxide and many different chlorine chemicals are used for that purpose. Chlorine dioxide is used for many industrial processes. It is used in paper mills to bleach the paper pulp white. It is used in cloth mills to bleach cloth. Probably the most important use is to purify water and thousands of water purification systems utilize chlorine dioxide throughout the world. In water purification systems it is selective for pathogens and other bio-organisms that might be harmful to larger animals and humans. It does NOT combine with hundreds of constituents with which free chlorine will combine. Free chlorine will combine with several items found in most water systems and will create carcinogenic compounds. Thus, although the initial cost of installing chlorine dioxide systems is higher, in the long run, the chlorine dioxide systems save money and they are much safer from a health standpoint.

One of the most popular methods of generating chlorine dioxide is by various methods of treating sodium chlorite. It is a white or slightly yellow flaky substance.  Keep in mind that table salt is not quite the same thing. Note the spelling of the last two letters. Table salt is sodium chloride. We generate chlorine dioxide from sodium chlorite.

Throughout the world today sodium chlorite (the formula is NaClO2) is probably used to generate chlorine dioxide more often than any other method. For the formula for chlorine dioxide, we merely remove the Na which is sodium, and we have chlorine dioxide, ClO2. (Don’t worry; you don’t have to understand these formulas to understand the basics of what I am writing here.) There are possibly several dozen methods of using sodium chlorite to generate chlorine dioxide. The FDA approves several methods of just adding swimming pool acid to a watery solution of sodium chlorite for the purpose of making chlorine dioxide which is used to sterilize chicken or beef before it is sold to the public. The acid generates the chlorine dioxide from the sodium chlorite. In many cases of sterilizing vegetables, the chlorine does not have to be rinsed off as the chlorine dioxide soon turns into salt but not enough to make the vegetable salty.

Amazingly enough, in a hundred thousand health food stores in the U.S. one can also find sodium chlorite in a watery form known as Stabilized Oxygen. In almost all cases Stabilized Oxygen is manufactured by simply adding 3.5% sodium chlorite by weight to distilled water, that’s 35,000 ppm. You can do it in your kitchen.  Just don’t use any metal pots and pans, not even stainless steel. Use only plastic or glass or Corning Ware. However, you will be much better off making the  Miracle Mineral Supplement with my formula or buying it from someone who is using my formula. I’ll tell you exactly how to do that later in this book.

For 80 years hundreds of thousands of people have put a few drops of Stabilized Oxygen into their water or juice and drank it down thinking that it somehow furnished extra oxygen to their bodies. The few who realized that some form of chlorine was generated, mentioned it in passing but still insisted that the chlorite furnished the body with oxygen. Somehow during all those years, not one of the alternate medicine groups ever decided to have a good chemist look at the formula, or at least not one of them wrote about doing so. The fact is that simple chemistry shows us that no oxygen is generated that the body can use.

Chlorine dioxide is a powerful chemical and it has many uses. It is an oxidizer, less powerful than oxygen, but with a greater quantity available for oxidizing. Chlorine dioxide explodes when it contacts certain chemical conditions and is neutral with other chemical conditions. It is selective. What do we mean when we say it explodes? Well, an explosion is merely a fast chemical reaction, mainly oxidation that also releases energy. In the formula, ClO2, there are two oxygen ions. So why do these not get released so that the body can use them? It’s because they have a minus two charge. They had already done their oxidizing before they arrived in this position. They cannot oxidize further. But the chlorine combined with oxygen can. When chlorine dioxide touches a pathogen or a poison that is acidic in nature, it  instantly accepts five electrons. It destroys anything that it can draw electrons from and generates heat at the same time (this action is called oxidation even when oxygen is not a part of it). The oxygen atoms are then released from the chlorine dioxide, but they are not elemental oxygen. They are ions of oxygen with a negative two charge.  They are at the same charge as the oxygen in carbon dioxide, a gas that will kill you if you breathe enough of it. The carbon dioxide is not a poison. In other words, it doesn’t do anything to the lungs; it is sort of like drowning. It prevents the lungs from getting the elemental oxygen that they need.

Hydrogen and oxygen mix together to become water. That’s about all that the oxygen can do at this time. It becomes water or it can become part of a carbon dioxide molecule. The chlorine, after the explosion of oxidation, has also lost its charge and it becomes a chloride which is basically table salt, which again has no ability to oxidize as it no longer has any charge. There is nothing else left to cause any kind of side effect.

The basic idea is simply that oxygen and chlorine must be charged to the correct number of electrons, or they do not do the job of oxidizing.  When oxygen is not capable of oxidizing it simply cannot do the job in the body that is required for oxygen. What sodium chlorite really does for us is it gives us chlorine dioxide, a chemical that is selective to destroy almost all bad things that might exist in the body. Each tiny chlorine dioxide molecule has tremendous power to destroy those things from which it can draw electrons, but it does not have the power to draw electrons from healthy cells or aerobic bacteria.

Chlorine dioxide does not last forever. It has too much energy bundled into a small area. It begins to lose some of its energy after a few minutes in the body and the same thing happens when it is released into public water supplies. In the body when it has lost some of its energy so that it no longer is explosive (unable to oxidize) it can then combine with other substances. There is some evidence that it helps make myeloperoxidase, a chemical that the body uses to make hypochlorous acid that is then used by the immune system to further kill pathogens, killer cells, and other things. Chlorine dioxide is the only chemical known that has these qualities and that can do these things in the body without creating side effects. In public water works or the bleaching of paper pulp in paper mills, chlorine dioxide is generated on the site where it is used. In the body, it is also generated on the site where it is used from sodium chlorite.

~ Jim Humble in Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century Jim Humble Book Part 1


MMS Benefits Summary

Following is what I have observed over the past 11 years. Some of it is my opinion; however, I have discussed all of this information with medical doctors and they have agreed with me. But then, that is their opinion as well. So this is what appears to be happening in the body when activated MMS is ingested.


Organisms Destroyed

MMS destroys microorganisms, including viruses bacteria, fungus, molds, yeast, and parasites that causes various diseases. Viruses are killed by a different mechanism than bacteria and all the other microorganisms: MMS prevents the formation of special proteins necessary for viral growth, thus causing the destruction of the virus.

The killing of disease-causing organisms generally takes between 4 hours and 4 weeks, but often less than one week. This is true for all forms of infection and other microorganisms, as well as blood diseases such as leukemia.

Heavy Metals Oxidized

MMS oxidizes the heavy metals in the body. I believe this because there have been a number of tests where the roots of a person’s hair were checked before and after taking MMS. About two weeks afterwards, the heavy metals were gone, including mercury, lead, and others. Testing the roots of hair is a good indication of the absence or presence of heavy metals. Oxidation of the heavy metals is not the same as chelating but the results are the same. When a heavy metal is oxidized, it is neutralized and simply washes out of the body.

Foreign Matter Neutralized

MMS is carried throughout the body, where it neutralizes foreign matter that is generally poisonous. When oxidized, poisons are neutralized and they merely washed out of the body. Almost all poisonous material is easily oxidized. These poisons are attached at various locations and hinder the body’s function. As they are oxidized, they are detached and washed out of the body same as the heavy metals.

Poisons Neutralized

Most forms of poisons from snakes and other venomous animals are oxidized when adequate amounts of MMS are taken. Most food poisons found in restaurants or in your refrigerator are oxidized, which is why one should take a dose every 15 minutes when snake poisons or food poisoning is involved.

Burns Healed

The poisons generated by burns particularly type 3 burns, are neutralized when covered immediately (or even within hours) with MMS. MMS should not be left on more than 5 minutes. It must then be rinsed off with water. This can be done twice for a total of having MMS on the burn for 10 minutes, no longer in most cases. But as long as there is pain, one can continue to put MMS on the burn for short periods, but never more than 5 minutes.

~ Jim Humble in The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium


Grenon Family Sentencing for Promoting MMS as COVID-19 Cure October 6 2023

A federal judge in Miami has sentenced Jonathan Grenon, 37, and Jordan Grenon, 29, to 151 months in prison, for conspiring to defraud the United States by distributing an unapproved and misbranded drug, and for contempt of court. Mark Grenon, 66, and Joseph Grenon, 36, were sentenced to 60 months in prison.

The family was accused of promoting chlorine dioxide branded as MMS or Miracle Mineral Solution as a cure for COVID-19 and other ailments through their non-religious church organization. Even though the church was not religious according to Mark Grenon, the claim was that the MMS (chlorine dioxide) was a religious sacrament and thereby not subject to FDA control due to separation of church and state. “You can’t arrest us from doing one of our sacraments,” Mark Grenon said.

The FDA remained determined to assert that the MMS distributed by the Grenons as they encouraged sick people to drink it was equivalent to encouraging people to drink bleach and just as dangerous, or more so, as it is only approved for industrial use.

All four defendants were found guilty by a federal jury following a trial this summer, who according to court records, received more than $1 million from selling MMS, and further reported threats that were made by the Grenons against the federal judge, and that government interference would result in their taking up weapons for a Waco-inspired level of defense.

U.S. Attorney Markenzy Lapointe for the Southern District of Florida and Assistant Commissioner Justin D. Green of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Office of Criminal Investigations (FDA-OCI), Miami Field Office, announced the sentence.

FDA-OCI Miami investigated the case. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Michael B. Homer and John Shipley prosecuted the case.

Lapointe asserts, “The Grenons poisoned thousands of people with their bogus miracle cure, which was nothing more than industrial bleach,” Michael Homer, an assistant U.S. attorney who prosecuted the case, said in a statement. “They targeted vulnerable people who were suffering from life-threatening illnesses and who were desperate for a cure.”

Prosecutors called the Grenons “con men” and “snake-oil salesmen” and said the family’s fake Genesis II Church of Health and Healing front sold $1 million worth of their so-called Miracle Mineral Solution, distributing it to tens of thousands of people nationwide. In videos, the solution was sold as a cure for 95% of known diseases, including COVID-19, Alzheimer’s, autism, brain cancer, HIV/AIDS, and multiple sclerosis, prosecutors said.

Reportedly, the Grenons marketed the product to vulnerable customers through a “church” website, book, radio station, and newsletter in which they cited Bible verses, according to prosecutors who also said that the Food and Drug Administration had received reports of people requiring hospitalizations, developing life-threatening conditions, and dying after drinking the product. “Hopefully their victims can find some solace in today’s outcome,” Mr. Homer added.

Jonathan and Jordan Grenon were sentenced to 151 months — about 12 1/2 years — in federal prison, while Mark and Joseph Grenon were sentenced to five years, the DOJ said.

Mark and Joseph Grenon received lighter sentences due to an arrangement with Columbian authorities to extradite if contempt charges were dropped, explaining how the sentences differed.

This is an update to the previous article,


MMS and DMSO for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain often stems from the frequent occurrence of rotator cuff tendons becoming entrapped beneath the bony structures within the shoulder, resulting in inflammation or damage. This condition is recognized as rotator cuff tendinitis or bursitis, and using the combination of MMS and DMSO may be a faster and better solution than pharmaceutical recommendations.

Shoulder pain can be attributed to various other factors, including:

  • Arthritis affecting the shoulder joint.
  • The presence of bone spurs in the shoulder region.
  • Bursitis is characterized by inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac that typically cushions and facilitates smooth joint movement.
  • Fractured shoulder bone.
  • Shoulder dislocation.
  • Shoulder separation.
  • Frozen shoulder, is a condition marked by stiffness in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments within the shoulder, leading to painful and restricted movement.
  • Overuse or injury to nearby tendons, such as the bicep muscles of the arms.
  • Nerve damage resulting in abnormal shoulder movements.
  • Tears in the rotator cuff tendons.
  • Poor shoulder posture and mechanics.

It is important to note that on occasion, shoulder pain may originate from issues in other parts of the body, such as the neck or lungs, resulting in referred pain. Typically, this type of pain is experienced at rest and does not worsen with shoulder movement.

Natural Alternatives

As an increasing number of individuals assume greater responsibility for managing their own medical care, an expanding array of treatment options becomes accessible, offering patients natural alternatives to conventional medical interventions provided by highly trained healthcare practitioners. This shift in patient autonomy reflects a growing awareness among the public that the professional medical training received by doctors and healthcare professionals may warrant scrutiny. Concerns are raised that this training predominantly focuses on prescribing medications often promoted by pharmaceutical corporations primarily driven by profit motives rather than the singular goal of patient healing.

Critics argue that the prevailing pharmaceutical industry model is not primarily centered on patient well-being but instead prioritizes the prolonged management of patient’s medical conditions over extended periods. This emphasis on sustained patient management aligns with the profit-driven nature of pharmaceutical corporations, potentially leading to over-reliance on medications as a means of sustaining profitability rather than achieving the ideal outcome of patient health and recovery.

Doctor’s Recommendations

Among the various prescription options available to medical professionals, Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) such as Voltaren, Cataflam, and Lofena (generic = Diclofenac) are often considered as primary choices. These medications, like most NSAIDs, have the potential to alleviate pain and enhance a patient’s range of motion. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that they also carry an elevated risk of severe cardiovascular thrombotic events, which encompass conditions like myocardial infarction and stroke and can have fatal consequences. It’s noteworthy that this risk can manifest early in the course of treatment and may escalate with prolonged usage. Furthermore, it is essential to emphasize that Diclofenac is contraindicated in patients who have undergone coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

Additionally, NSAIDs are associated with an increased likelihood of critical gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events, including bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or intestines, all of which can lead to fatal outcomes. These adverse events can occur at any point during NSAID usage, often without any warning symptoms. It’s crucial to recognize that elderly patients and individuals with a prior history of peptic ulcer disease and/or GI bleeding face a greater risk of experiencing serious GI complications when using NSAIDs. Consequently, the decision to prescribe NSAIDs should be made judiciously, considering both the potential benefits and the associated risks, while closely monitoring patients for any adverse effects.

Surgical Intervention

Should the medication management system fail to align with your personal performance standards and healthcare preferences, surgical interventions may emerge as a viable alternative, contingent upon your medical insurance coverage. Among the highly recommended surgical procedures are Arthroscopy, Rotator Cuff Repair, Acromioclavicular Repair, Biceps Tendon Surgery, and Full Replacement Surgery. These highly profitable surgical interventions can offer viable solutions for addressing shoulder-related issues, and their suitability is contingent upon individual medical needs and insurance provisions.

Natural Alternative Specialist’s Recommendations

Natural Alternative Specialists take an entirely different approach that will look something, like this:

Dietary Modification:

  • Olive Oil
  • Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and tuna
  • Tomatoes
  • Various fruits like blueberries, strawberries, oranges, and cherries
  • Nuts such as walnuts and almonds
  • Green leafy vegetables, including kale, spinach, and collards
  • Incorporating celery juice or beet juice

Herbs and Spices Recommendation:

  • Ginger
  • Cayenne
  • Cinnamon
  • Turmeric

Also suggested:

  • Reducing the intake of processed foods
  • Embracing a balanced diet that encompasses
    • whole foods
    • healthy fats
    • carbohydrates
    • protein

To contribute to your body’s natural healing processes.

Lifestyle adjustments:

  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Restrict excessive consumption of sodas and caffeine to no more than 2 cups daily.
  • Eliminate smoking and other tobacco products from your life.


  • Adequate rest
  • Ease into an exercise routine that suits your preferences and abilities
  • Engage in healthy habits like
    • Walking
    • Yoga
    • Pilates

Essential Oils

Many essential oils can be beneficial in dealing with shoulder pain, such as

  • Peppermint oil
  • Marjoram oil
  • Lavender oil

Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO

A potential solution for addressing shoulder pain in professional athletes involves the utilization of a combination of compounds, namely chlorine dioxide and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in the field. It is worth noting that these compounds fall outside the conventional realm and have not received approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, they have demonstrated notable efficacy in providing rapid relief for shoulder pain.

It is unlikely that the FDA will endorse the use of these compounds for human applications. One primary reason for this reluctance is their ready availability and significantly lower cost when compared to pharmaceutical drugs. Nonetheless, it is pertinent to observe that these compounds are frequently employed by veterinarians, particularly in situations where cost-effectiveness plays a pivotal role, such as in commercial applications, where the treatment of numerous animals necessitates economical solutions.

Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is a compound renowned for its remarkable pathogen-killing capabilities. It has garnered authorization from prominent institutions such as the CDC, EPA, and FDA for an array of industrial applications. These applications are crucial in safeguarding the general population against potential contamination in areas spanning food production, sanitation processes, and healthcare facilities. It’s noteworthy, however, that despite these official endorsements for industrial use, the FDA has prohibited its utilization for personal health purposes.

Author Paris Humble has delved into the subject of chlorine dioxide in his book, “Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses: Non-Pharmacological Health Restoration.” Within its pages, she advocates for the inclusion of chlorine dioxide in every emergency first-aid kit, highlighting its potential to promote health and well-being through non-pharmacological means. Note that Paris’ father, Jim Humble discovered the health benefits of chlorine dioxide and nicknamed it Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS for short. Jim Huble’s work is documented in his book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium.

For shoulder injury, the application of chlorine dioxide could be a two-pronged approach.

1. Follow the Blood Stream

Consuming a diluted solution of chlorine dioxide, consisting of one or more drops dispersed in water and administered multiple times daily, facilitates the transport of this pathogen-killing agent through the bloodstream. It effectively co-utilizes the body’s inherent inflammatory response, directing it toward the affected area where pain is experienced.

2. Topical Application

An alternative approach for transporting chlorine dioxide to the site of pain involves blending the chlorine dioxide solution with a topical carrier compound, such as DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), and subsequently administering it to the area afflicted by shoulder pain through topical application.

What is DMSO?

DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) is a naturally derived solution obtained from trees, renowned for its extensive history as a solvent and an effective topical penetrant. In its role as a topical penetrant, DMSO readily integrates with various liquids, creams, or gels. When combined with another compound, it facilitates transdermal delivery through skin application, permeating all layers of protective skin, tissues, and even the blood-brain barrier.

Author Herb Roi Richards, Ph. D., proposes the amalgamation of DMSO and chlorine dioxide for transdermal application, allowing precise delivery of chlorine dioxide directly to the site of shoulder pain without the need for skin puncture. Further insights into this process can be found in his book, “DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans, Recipes & Treatment.

When to Seek Medical Attention

1. Sudden Left Shoulder Pain

If you experience sudden pressure or crushing pain in your left shoulder, particularly if the pain radiates from your chest to the left jaw, arm, or neck, and is accompanied by symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, or sweating, it could potentially indicate a heart attack. In such cases, dial 911 or your local emergency number immediately.

2. Severe Injury

If you’ve recently sustained a severe shoulder injury resulting in intense pain, swelling, bruising, or bleeding, it’s advisable to visit the hospital emergency room promptly.

Shoulder Pain with Additional Symptoms: Contact your healthcare provider if you have shoulder pain combined with any of the following:

  • Fever, swelling, or redness in the shoulder.
  • Difficulty moving the shoulder.
  • Persistent pain lasting more than 2 to 4 weeks, despite home treatment.
  • Noticeable swelling of the shoulder.
  • Abnormal skin coloration (red or blue) in the shoulder area.

Your Rights

In the United States, citizens have the fundamental right to seek their own medical remedies and explore alternative approaches to healthcare, including options outside the realm of conventional pharmacological medications. This right is deeply rooted in the principles of individual autonomy, personal freedom, and the right to make informed decisions about one’s own health. It aligns with the broader concept of healthcare freedom, where individuals have the liberty to choose their preferred methods of treatment and healthcare providers.

Alternative medical remedies encompass a wide spectrum of approaches, such as herbal remedies, dietary supplements, acupuncture, chiropractic care, naturopathy, and various forms of holistic and integrative medicine. Many Americans embrace these alternatives as they often prioritize a holistic understanding of health, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of illnesses. This approach empowers individuals to actively participate in their healthcare decisions and tailor treatments to their unique needs and preferences.

However, it’s important to note that while individuals have the right to explore alternative remedies, they should also exercise caution and make informed choices. It’s advisable to consult with qualified natural alternative specialists or balanced healthcare professionals who can provide guidance, assess the safety and effectiveness of alternative treatments, and ensure that they do not pose undue risks to one’s health. The right to seek alternative medical remedies in the United States reflects the nation’s commitment to respecting individual choices and fostering a diverse and patient-centered healthcare landscape.