Chlorine Dioxide for Parasite and Pathogen Elimination

Providing oxygen to the body’s tissues and fluids, chlorine dioxide activates the mitochondria of cells, which in turn produce energy that allows the body to recover. Through a selective oxidation process, chlorine dioxide eliminates viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Chlorine dioxide releases oxygen due to pathogen acidity. Its therapeutic effect is attributed, among other things, to the fact that it helps eliminate many types of pathogens responsible for disease symptoms by creating an alkaline environment, thereby eliminating the pathogens.

The body gets its energy from combustion. Without oxygen, there would be no energy, and without energy there would be no health or life. As we burn sugars, fats, and proteins from our diet to obtain energy, nutrition is one of the most important factors to consider when we want to stay healthy. Hippocrates, the founder of medicine, once said, “Let food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.”

An unhealthy diet is achieved by avoiding aggressive foods that cause acidosis. The foods we eat every day contain millions of pathogens and parasite and we have no idea that they are damaging the cells of our body and feeding and spreading parasites who are constantly breeding deep inside of us.

The accumulation of pathogens, parasites, and their waste is the cause of premature aging, lack of energy, stress, headaches, heart disease, allergies, eczema, urticaria, asthma, kidney stones, atherosclerosis, and cancer, among life-challenging symptoms.

Therefore, the use of chlorine dioxide water purification drops is always a complementary use within the diet, as well as other personal, social, and medical characteristics of the individual who decides and chooses to drink chlorine dioxide purified water regularly, as a way to prevent and seek positive effects on their health and life, as those who, using their freedom of choice, use alternative and complementary therapies in order to improve their health and quality of life.

The notion that chlorine dioxide water purification drops can eliminate harmful parasites and pathogens has significant potential for those facing health issues. This process, known as a pathogenic cleanse, requires the consumption of safe yet effective doses of chlorine dioxide to eradicate harmful organisms residing in the body. These invaders drain energy and introduce toxins, leaving the body vulnerable to illness.

Chlorine Dioxide Pathogen and Parasite Killer AKA MMS

Jim Humble, the author of Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century Part 1, made an important discovery about chlorine dioxide and its health benefits. He nicknamed it MMS and shares all the details in his book. In the sequel, Part 2, he dives into the chemistry behind MMS and provides clear instructions for preparing it at home. This knowledge is crucial because once you grasp the science and realize its lack of negative effects – aside from feeling slightly nauseous as toxins and pathogens are expelled – it becomes a must-try option for anyone dealing with potentially harmful amounts of toxins.

If you are not in optimal health and experience fatigue, weight management challenges, or imbalances in your blood pressure, along with recurring inflammation and pain, it is possible that the underlying cause may be linked to toxins, heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Unlike traditional medicine approaches that involve treating these issues with potentially harmful substances that may damage healthy tissue along with the targeted ones, chlorine dioxide solely targets problematic matter.

Diseased cells that are acidic, with a positive ion charge, will be oxidized and killed by chlorine dioxide ions. Pathogens, killer cells, and even cancerous cells are killed by this compound. Chlorine dioxide deteriorates into table salt and sometimes hypochlorous acid, which the body can also utilize if it encounters no pathogens or poisons.

Chlorine Dioxide Parasite and Pathogen Cleanse

Parasites have a deep desire to survive, meaning they have no intention of causing harm by killing their host. Instead, they rely on your living body to sustain them and will only keep you alive enough for this purpose. Unfortunately, this can lead to chronic conditions such as diabetes, cancer, and thyroid problems which are common among humans. While some argue that parasites and pathogens are the root cause of all illness and disease, this may not be entirely accurate. However, it can certainly be said that they play a significant role in most cases.

According to Paris Humble, Jim Humble’s daughter and author of Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, she uses chlorine dioxide to eliminate parasites and pathogens periodically and confides that she eliminated many things from her body using various exiting methods.

Because we live in a society where pathogens and parasites lay thousands of eggs every day in our bodies, Paris suggests that individuals consider performing a thorough parasite and pathogen cleanse periodically. The only way to live totally free of them is to live in a vacuum.

While chlorine dioxide is an excellent killer of viruses, bacteria, fungi, dangerous cells, cancerous cells, and other pathogens, there are some extremely hard-to-kill worms and pathogens that have evolved over time and have become resistant to treatment, evasive, or invisible to any one ingredient.

Multifaceted Deworming, Parasite, and Pathogen Cleanse

As a result, a comprehensive multifaceted complete cleanse method has achieved impressive results for those who have had difficulty in the past. This method has proven effective for those who have had inconceivable relentless trouble in the past. Testimonials from these individuals defy medical explanation, and the authority of the Food and Drug Administration of the United States.

In order to effectively eliminate all harmful pathogens, parasites, and worms, a comprehensive strategy must be employed. This would involve utilizing both chlorine dioxide water purification drops and Wayne Rowland’s Human Parasite & Deworming Cleanse Protocol over a period of three months. The protocol includes various products designed to eradicate parasites and pathogens, as well as promote the health of the gut and blood during the process. The central element of this approach is Rowland’s Tesla lightning water.

That should do the trick.

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The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Information is shared for educational purposes only. You must consult your doctor before acting on any content on this website, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

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