MMS Master Mineral Solution

Sodium Chlorite – Chlorine dioxide + DMSO In Treating Disease

One important thing Jim Humble discovered is that chlorine dioxide can be made at home by mixing stabilized oxygen (also known as: sodium chlorite) with an “activator.” It is the “activator” which converts the sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide.

MMS – DMSO – Used together in the 24-hour Cancer Cure protocol where the Miracle Mineral solution is activated, mixed with DMSO and rub it on the skin every hour for 13 hours. DMSO will take the MMS directly into the body through the skin. This application causes no nausea problems that is common with drinking the Chlorine dioxide procedure.


Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) is now “Water Purification Drops”

According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia — Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula ClO2. This reddish-yellow gas crystallizes as orange crystals at -59 degrees C. As one of several oxides of chlorine, it is a potent and useful oxidizing agent used in water treatment and in bleaching.

ClO2 has a long history of use in the United States — Chlorine dioxide is used primarily (>95%) for bleaching of wood pulp, but is also used for the bleaching of flour and for the disinfection of municipal drinking water. Sisty-four years ago — The Niagara Falls, New York water treatment plant first used chlorine dioxide for drinking water treatment in 1944 for phenol destruction.

Fifty-two years ago — Chlorine dioxide was introduced as a drinking water disinfectant on a large scale in 1956, when Brussels, Belgium, changed from chlorine-to-chlorine dioxide. Its most common use in water treatment is as a pre-oxidant prior to chlorination of drinking water to destroy natural water impurities that produce trihalomethanes on exposure to free chlorine. Trihalomethanes are suspect carcinogenic disinfection by-products associated with chlorination of naturally occurring organics in the raw water.

Chlorine dioxide is also superior to chlorine when operating above pH7, in the presence of ammonia and amines and/or for the control of biofilms in water distribution systems. Chlorine dioxide is used in many industrial water treatment applications as a biocide including cooling towers, process water and food processing. Chlorine dioxide is less corrosive than chlorine and superior for the control of legionella bacteria.

It is more effective as a disinfectant in most circumstances than chlorine against water borne pathogenic microbes such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa? including the cysts of Giardia and the oocysts of Cryptosporidium.

Water Treatment Systems — The use of chlorine dioxide in water treatment leads to the formation of the by-product chlorite which is currently limited to a maximum of 1 ppm in drinking water in the USA. This EPA standard limits the use of chlorine dioxide in the USA to relatively high-quality water or water which is to be treated with iron-based coagulants. (Iron can reduce chlorite to chloride.)

Used against Virus Infections — Protective effect of low-concentration chlorine dioxide gas against influenza A virus infection Ogata N, Shibata T. J Gen Virol 89 (2008), 60-67; DOI 10.1099/vir.0.83393-0

Chlorine Dioxide Kills mold — It can also be used for air disinfection, and was the principal agent used in the decontamination of buildings in the United States after the 2001 anthrax attacks. Recently, after the disaster of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana and the surrounding Gulf Coast, chlorine dioxide has been used to eradicate dangerous mold from houses inundated by water from massive flooding.

Chlorine dioxide is used as an oxidant for phenol destruction in wastewater streams, control of zebra and quagga mussels in water intakes and for odor control in the air scrubbers of animal byproduct (rendering) plants.

Stabilized chlorine dioxide can also be used in an oral rinse to treat oral disease and malodor, but its adverse side-effects are still being investigated.[1]

Laboratory Preparation of Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is a highly endothermic compound that can decompose extremely violently when separated from diluting substances. As a result, preparation methods that involve producing solutions of it without going through a gas phase stage are often preferred.

In the laboratory, ClO2 is prepared by oxidation of sodium chlorite:[2]

2NaClO2 + Cl2 ? 2ClO2 + 2 NaCl

Thanks to te Cancer Tutor Web site:

Using MMS – Miracle Mineral Solution with DMSO for Transdermal (application to the skin) to Kill pathogens threatening the immune system

Are there Any Allergies to DMSO?

This treatment includes DMSO. I have never seen a case of an allergy to DMSO, but apparently in rare cases someone is allergic to DMSO. When you get your bottle of DMSO put one drop on your skin and see if you have an allergic reaction. If not, an hour later put 10 drops on your skin and spread it out. If you do not have a reaction, go ahead with the treatment.

What Is Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been mentioned in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought chlorine dioxide to the forefront of alternative medicine.

Jim used 15 drops of chlorine dioxide, followed one hour later by another 15 drops, to cure malaria. AIDS/HIV can also be cured with chlorine dioxide, though the administration of chlorine dioxide is different.

Another thing Jim Humble discovered is that chlorine dioxide can be made at home by mixing stabilized oxygen (also known as: sodium chlorite) with an “activator.” It is the “activator” which converts the sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide.

Normal stabilized oxygen (e.g., Vitamin O, Aerobic O7 or Aerobic KO7) is usually between 3% and 6% sodium chlorite. This is NOT the same thing as table salt, which is sodium chloride.

Stabilized oxygen (i.e., sodium chlorite) has been used in alternative medicine for several decades. It is used primarily to prevent viral infections, such as colds and the flu, and to treat allergies.

The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is 28% sodium chlorite. The reason for this mixture is so that it will react more readily to the “activator.”

Vendors may sell bottles which recommend adding MMS to some form of vinegar. DO NOT USE VINEGAR WITH MMS!!! Vinegar can actually feed yeast infections.

The three things you can mix with MMS are (these are the three activators): 1) fresh squeezed lemon juice, which you squeeze yourself, 2) fresh squeezed lime juice, which you squeeze yourself, or 3) 10% powdered citric acid

Any of these three items will chemically react to the sodium chlorite to create chlorine dioxide. The powdered citric acid is the preferred item to mix with MMS, if it is purchased from a vendor of MMS. If it is not purchased from a vendor of MMS, it may have been sitting on the shelf for many months. But MMS vendors have high turnover of citric acid, thus the product is always fresh.

10% citric acid mixes better with sodium chlorite than lemon juice or lime juice. When using chlorine dioxide transdermally, meaning through the skin, 10% citric acid also penetrates the skin better than lemon juice or lime juice.

The things you should NOT mix with sodium chlorite are just as important as the things you should mix with it. For example, do NOT use any type of bottled lemon juice, such as ReaLemon, as it may have vitamin C added as a preservative.

The bottom line is to always use 10% citric acid, purchased from a vendor of MMS, or if you cannot get that, then use fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice (which you squeezed yourself). Nothing else is acceptable as an activator.

Also note the Miracle Mineral Supplement bottle should NOT be exposed directly to sunlight.

While you can buy chlorine dioxide over the internet, this website recommends that you make it yourself at home. You should make it at home and use it within an hour. Buy Miracle Mineral – at a secure shopping cart

This web site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed professional. This site offers people medical information and tells them their alternative medical options, but in no way should anyone consider that this site represents the “practice of medicine.” This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. The statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Sodium Chlorite – Chlorine dioxide + DMSO In Treating Disease

MMS was Invented and packaged for internal use by Inventor Jim Humble. MMS rids the body of virtually any and all viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeast, and poisons.

One important thing Jim Humble discovered is that chlorine dioxide can be made at home by mixing stabilized oxygen (also known as sodium chlorite) with an “activator.” It is the “activator” that converts the sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide.

MMS – DMSO – Used together in the 24-hour Cancer Cure protocol where the Master Mineral solution is activated, mixed with DMSO and rub it on the skin every hour for 13 hours. DMSO will take the MMS directly into the body through the skin. This application causes no nausea problems that is common with drinking the Chlorine dioxide procedure.

Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) is now “Water Purification Drops”

According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia — Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula ClO2. This reddish-yellow gas crystallizes as orange crystals at -59 degrees C. As one of several oxides of chlorine, it is a potent and useful oxidizing agent used in water treatment and in bleaching.

ClO2 has a long history of use in the United States — Chlorine dioxide is used primarily (>95%) for bleaching of wood pulp but is also used for the bleaching of flour and for the disinfection of municipal drinking water. Sixty-four years ago — The Niagara Falls, New York water treatment plant first used chlorine dioxide for drinking water treatment in 1944 for phenol destruction.

Fifty-two years ago — Chlorine dioxide was introduced as a drinking water disinfectant on a large scale in 1956, when Brussels, Belgium, changed from chlorine-to-chlorine dioxide. Its most common use in water treatment is as a pre-oxidant prior to chlorination of drinking water to destroy natural water impurities that produce trihalomethanes on exposure to free chlorine. Trihalomethanes are suspect carcinogenic disinfection by-products associated with chlorination of naturally occurring organics in the raw water.

Chlorine dioxide is also superior to chlorine when operating above pH7, in the presence of ammonia and amines and/or for the control of biofilms in water distribution systems. Chlorine dioxide is used in many industrial water treatment applications as a biocide including cooling towers, process water and food processing. Chlorine dioxide is less corrosive than chlorine and superior for the control of legionella bacteria.

It is more effective as a disinfectant in most circumstances than chlorine against water borne pathogenic microbes such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa? including the cysts of Giardia and the oocysts of Cryptosporidium.

Water Treatment Systems — The use of chlorine dioxide in water treatment leads to the formation of the by-product chlorite which is currently limited to a maximum of 1 ppm in drinking water in the USA. This EPA standard limits the use of chlorine dioxide in the USA to relatively high-quality water or water which is to be treated with iron-based coagulants. (Iron can reduce chlorite to chloride.)

Used against Virus Infections — Protective effect of low-concentration chlorine dioxide gas against influenza A virus infection Ogata N, Shibata T. J Gen Virol 89 (2008), 60-67; DOI 10.1099/vir.0.83393-0

Chlorine Dioxide Kills mold — It can also be used for air disinfection, and was the principal agent used in the decontamination of buildings in the United States after the 2001 anthrax attacks. Recently, after the disaster of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, Louisiana and the surrounding Gulf Coast, chlorine dioxide has been used to eradicate dangerous mold from houses inundated by water from massive flooding.

Chlorine dioxide is used as an oxidant for phenol destruction in wastewater streams, control of zebra and quagga mussels in water intakes and for odor control in the air scrubbers of animal byproduct (rendering) plants.

Stabilized chlorine dioxide can also be used in an oral rinse to treat oral disease and malodor, but its adverse side-effects are still being investigated.[1]

Laboratory Preparation of Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is a highly endothermic compound that can decompose extremely violently when separated from diluting substances. As a result, preparation methods that involve producing solutions of it without going through a gas phase stage are often preferred.

In the laboratory, ClO2 is prepared by oxidation of sodium chlorite:[2]

2NaClO2 + Cl2 ? 2ClO2 + 2 NaCl


Thanks to te Cancer Tutor Web site:

Using MMS – Miracle Mineral Solution with DMSO for Transdermal (application to the skin) to Kill pathogens threatening the immune system

Are there Any Allergies to DMSO?

This treatment includes DMSO. I have never seen a case of an allergy to DMSO, but apparently in rare cases someone is allergic to DMSO. When you get your bottle of DMSO put one drop on your skin and see if you have an allergic reaction. If not, an hour later put 10 drops on your skin and spread it out. If you do not have a reaction, go ahead with the treatment.

What Is Chlorine Dioxide?

Chlorine dioxide has been studied by scientists for many years and has been mentioned in many scientific journals. However, it was Jim Humble who brought chlorine dioxide to the forefront of alternative medicine.

Jim used 15 drops of chlorine dioxide, followed one hour later by another 15 drops, to cure malaria. AIDS/HIV can also be cured with chlorine dioxide, though the administration of chlorine dioxide is different.

Another thing Jim Humble discovered is that chlorine dioxide can be made at home by mixing stabilized oxygen (also known as: sodium chlorite) with an “activator.” It is the “activator” which converts the sodium chlorite into chlorine dioxide.

Normal stabilized oxygen (e.g., Vitamin O, Aerobic O7 or Aerobic KO7) is usually between 3% and 6% sodium chlorite. This is NOT the same thing as table salt, which is sodium chloride.

Stabilized oxygen (i.e., sodium chlorite) has been used in alternative medicine for several decades. It is used primarily to prevent viral infections, such as colds and the flu, and to treat allergies.

The Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS) is 28% sodium chlorite. The reason for this mixture is so that it will react more readily to the “activator.”

Vendors may sell bottles which recommend adding MMS to some form of vinegar. DO NOT USE VINEGAR WITH MMS!!! Vinegar can actually feed yeast infections.

The three things you can mix with MMS are (these are the three activators): 1) fresh squeezed lemon juice, which you squeeze yourself, 2) fresh squeezed lime juice, which you squeeze yourself, or 3) 10% powdered citric acid

Any of these three items will chemically react to the sodium chlorite to create chlorine dioxide. The powdered citric acid is the preferred item to mix with MMS, if it is purchased from a vendor of MMS. If it is not purchased from a vendor of MMS it may have been sitting on the shelf for many months. But MMS vendors have high turnover of citric acid, thus the product is always fresh.

10% citric acid mixes better with sodium chlorite than lemon juice or lime juice. When using chlorine dioxide transdermally, meaning through the skin, 10% citric acid also penetrates the skin better than lemon juice or lime juice.

The things you should NOT mix with sodium chlorite are just as important as the things you should mix with it. For example, do NOT use any type of bottled lemon juice, such as ReaLemon, as it may have vitamin C added as a preservative.

The bottom line is to always use 10% citric acid, purchased from a vendor of MMS, or if you cannot get that, then use fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice (which you squeezed yourself). Nothing else is acceptable as an activator.

Also note the Miracle Mineral Supplement bottle should NOT be exposed directly to sunlight.

While you can buy chlorine dioxide over the internet, this website recommends that you make it yourself at home. You should make it at home and use it within an hour. Buy Miracle Mineral – at a secure shopping cart

This web site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed professional. This site offers people medical information and tells them their alternative medical options, but in no way should anyone consider that this site represents the “practice of medicine.” This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. The statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Lyme Disease Book available in paperback and KindleLyme Dosease book available in paperback and Kindle

Emergency Planning Low Cost First Aid Kits

Most of us don’t like to think about what we would do in the event of an emergency. We watch movies and TV shows with incidents of international and even local threats and conflicts, and we don’t think that these threats could ever affect our lives.

Many laugh at the reaction of many in the 50s, with home-built bomb shelters and stockpiling of supplies. The feared attack never came. Even the 9/11 incident has faded in its impact. Emergency planning does not have to be focused on large-scale events, it can be a localized, personal occurrence. Emergency planning keeps you prepared, and there are many low-cost first aid kit additions that can protect or even save your life.

What should be included in your kit? Clean plastic sheeting, duct tape, an emergency knife, flashlight, matches, and candles are wise choices. An inexpensive radio and batteries can be important as well.

A cleansing or disinfecting product is an important addition as well. Whether you are camping, hiking, or have a local problem with water contamination, it is important to have a method for purifying water. Chlorine Dioxide has been used for decades for water purification. You can purchase sodium chlorite in a 28% solution under the name MMS, or Miracle Mineral Solution, now called Water Purification Drops. When mixed with a recommended solution of food acid, such as citric acid, this solution is a powerful detoxification tool for clearing bacteria, parasites, and viruses from the body.

DMSO is an excellent companion product for MMS, they work together seamlessly but must be used within an hour of mixing, as DMSO decreases the efficacy of chlorine dioxide following 60 minutes of mixing. The book, DMSO for Humans will further educate you on the use of DMSO to speed your body’s healing process from wounds, burns, and muscle injuries, making it a great addition to your first aid kit.

Don’t forget emergency food rations. This can be those freeze-dried kits, but you can also consider the canned foods currently in your kitchen.

Check these supplies periodically for expiration dates, and before those old supplies expire you can role-play your emergency response with your children so that everyone will be prepared.

2 Humble Books about MMS

The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium Jim Humble Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Paris Humble

We trust our advertisers who make this non-profit informational website available. Here’s a secure shopping cart to buy the original formula — Jim Humble’s approved “Miracle Mineral Solution- MMS” We ship MMS every day, 100’s are benefiting from Miracle Mineral Solution in detoxifying the body!


Choosing MMS for Feeling Better

The choices I make regarding my home and health are typically a combination of my own research and experience, my better judgment, common sense, and the opinions of those I trust. One of those people, world-renowned intuitive healer and Ayurveda Practitioner Andreas Moritz (author of “the amazing liver and gallbladder flush”) is recommending MMS to his patients.

I ordered my MMS kit and received it within days. Very impressive turn-around time on my order! I followed the directions and suggestions that came along with my kit, this helped me to understand how to properly prepare and use MMS. At first, I didn’t have any reaction. After a couple of days, of increasing my dosage each day, I started to experience a headache just after taking my dose. The headache went away pretty quickly, usually within half an hour, and then the rest of the day I did not have any negative reactions, but I did notice that I felt more energy. I slept better as well.

I’ve been following the MMS protocol for two weeks now, and don’t get those headaches anymore. When I prepare each dose I’m amazed that I’m only using 10 drops. I look at the bottle, it’s still relatively full! They were telling me the truth, this bottle could last me two years! Not bad for a small investment for the DIY MMS kit. They make it easier to start this protocol by providing all the necessary tools, even an extra bottle for mixing the citric acid.

I’m happy with the results so far, and I have not even finished the full program. Now I’m telling my friends about MMS and the results I’ve noticed, and they are trying it, too. Everyone who’s tried a dose or two at my home has ordered their own kit, so I guess they are finding benefits as well! I’m always happy to share ideas and solutions with my friends and family, especially when it’s as easy and beneficial as using MMS.


We trust our advertisers who make this non-profit informational website available. Here’s a secure shopping cart to buy the original formula — Jim Humble’s approved “Miracle Mineral Solution- MMS” Now available as NACS Water Purifier Drops. We ship MMS every day, 100’s are benefiting from Miracle Mineral Solution in detoxifying the body!

Choose MMS and restore your energy! Parasites are stealing your energy!

Congratulations to Jim Humble’s daughter, Paris, who just released her new book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration.

PS: Links… Right-click to open the link in a new window! buy MMS miracle mineral – ships daily

MMS Jim Humble’s Newsletter – We Need Help Saving the World

I know, that’s a really corny subject for a newsletter. Missionaries and other fanatics have been pushing that subject for way longer than the last 10,000 years. Most people tire of the whole thing, but on the other hand:

  • We have two openings right now for people who would like to create a local clinic.

For a year now, we have been training people from around the world to go home and start healing people for free, asking for donations when the sick people are well. Well people are happy and usually very willing to donate. This is now happening around the world in 50 countries. I look at that as fantastic. Before our new ministers leave, they go out in groups and treat the people of this country.

This is a third world country, or at least this part of it is. The houses around here are mostly made of corrugated iron nailed to simple frames, or just stacked up and held together with wire. But there seems to be no-one here who thinks life is not great. These people love life, and after our one year of training classes, they have begun to notice that we and our ministers go out and heal people. For three days each month or so, about 100 people are healed of something, or at least started on a protocol. So that’s about 300 people treated each time we hold a seminar.  It’s not nearly enough, but it is a start.

People Come to Us

This month, our ministers went to an outer area and pulled up in two trucks. They began treating people for whatever health problems were bothering them. In less than an hour, the principal and teachers in a school down the street had heard of our presence and they closed the school and had the kids come to our trucks to get treated. Here we don’t have to go looking for people; they come to us. But they don’t come into our compound when we are training people. We have a high cement wall.

Our Nice Church Building

Just up the street from the compound, we have a nice church building. It’s in good shape and needs only some cleaning and a little paint. It has a good secure fence all the way around that gives it a friendly look unlike those buildings with cement walls hiding everything inside. It is inviting.

We would like to make it into a free clinic for the many thousands of people here at this part of the Island. We want the world to see that we practice what we preach. Once we open such a clinic, there will be a continuous line of people waiting outside to be anointed with our cleansing water (that’s MMS) and possibly needing our Sacraments (protocols). If they don’t appear right away, we can go out and find them. Or we can go to them in the mornings and have them come to us in the afternoons. But trust me, they will be there.

  • We need two people who can speak both English and Spanish.

We can provide room and board and spending money, about $100 a week. This could be one of the most important Churches that the world has ever seen. It will be doing what all churches should be doing. The world will hear about it first on a grass roots level, but soon on a world-wide level. We wish we had the personnel here already, but we cannot do it without additional help.

  • If you are not yet trained but would like to do this, we will train you at no cost
  • If you are already a Minister or Doctor of MMS, you could get started with cleaning and maybe a little painting

We will have to invest in a few chairs, some beds and tables and so on. Beds would be for people who have come a long way and can’t get home the same day. There are a number of classrooms at the church. We will need to display a Church Emblem (of the world with the ribbon that says “Genesis”) on the front of the Church up high.

If you are interested in learning more about this new clinic and in helping to create it, please contact us at

My New Book Available

Please purchase the eBook, Master Mineral Solution of the 3rd Millennium. Tell your family and friends! It contains a lot of very important information that people need. Please, help us get this eBook to as many people as possible!! The printed version will be available in a few weeks, and I will notify you in another newsletter. I’m really excited about the information in this book getting to the whole world! There are new protocols and so many important findings and testimonies. The MMS movement is growing daily worldwide. We now have 218 Health Ministers in 53 countries teaching others to teach others!

Upcoming Worldwide MMS Seminars

For more information, please contact us at

Our New Website,, is Now Live

Please check it out and give us your opinion and ideas. Maybe you have some good data or info. Remember, we need testimonies. If you can do a 3–5-minute YouTube video testimony, it would help a lot of people to SEE and HEAR what you did to cure yourself with MMS. You can send testimonies to


  1. You can take the MMS video course at home, taught by me personally, and become a Health Minister. For more information, please contact us at
  2. To learn more about joining the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, please contact us at
  • Our email address was hacked and is no longer being used.

MMS INSTRUCTIONS (Now Called Water Purification Drops)

Take MMS twice daily (or more times). Always after a meal to prevent nausea. Avoid Vitamin C supplements – they neutralize the benefits.


Put 1 to 2 drops of MMS in an empty clean glass. Add: 5 drops of citric acid solution, lemon or lime juice for EACH drop of MMS that you use. Wait 3 minutes after mixing the solution to allow the mixture to activate.

Then: Add about 1/2 glass of water. It is best not to drink immediately, although this drink is good for an hour. (Time reduces potency.)

(Citric acid in place of lemon or lime juice seems to be getting better results. Buy citric acid powder. Take a tablespoon level with citric acid in an empty glass. Then add 9 level tablespoons of water. This is a 10% solution of citric acid. Use 5 to 1. That is 5 parts citric acid solution to one part MMS) When activated, it becomes chlorine dioxide.

Each Day After

Increase MMS by 1 or 2 drops each day until you have reached fifteen drops, or follow your health consultant;s advice. Continue with fifteen drops twice a day, after a meal, until you feel your immune system can overcome any health problems. Some take it 4 times a day. Read Jim Humble’s book. Visit we sites for testimonials.

Nausea: Vitamin C is an antidote in cases where nausea occurs. On your nest dose of MMS drop back one or two drops and stay at that level for two or three days before continuing to increase your dosage. Nausea has not proven to be dangerous but it can make people hesitant to continue their MMS program.

For Children: begin with 1 drop of MMS and work up to 2 drops for each twenty-five pounds (11.4 kg) of body weight. Always add 5 drops of citric acid, lemon or lime juice for each drop of MMS and wait 3 minutes, then add water and drink.

Note: Apple, pineapple, or grape juice that has no vitamin C added as a preservative can be substituted for water.  No ascorbic acid added to juice.


  • Carefully follow the directions on the bottle
  • Do not ingest full strength
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Use water to wash MMS from your skin or eyes
  • Keep out of direct sunlight
  • Use 1 to 5 grams of vitamin C to treat nausea or overdose, less for children

Mandatory Disclaimer

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

This information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to be construed as medical advice, nor is it intended to lead anyone away from a qualified health practitioner. We make absolutely no claims of any cure for any disease. Water Purifiers – Chlorine Dioxide – have been used for over 70 years. Using MMS is for personal experimental investigation. We cannot take any responsibility for those who may want to treat themselves beyond the benefit recommended as a mineral supplement. If you have a medical condition, we urge you to be supervised by a qualified healthcare professional of your choice.